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Talent is something you make bloom.
Luffy also didn't defeat Kaido in same way
I get what you mean, but come on....
Nami's all about her gadgets and ingenuity.
Her fight against Ulti was reduced to "i need a stronger lightning" BS.
That's not her style.
Mirages, weather knowledge, planning, etc.

Now that I think about it, Nami only has 1 real fight in the entire story, huh?
Her fight against Mrs doublefinger is just her running around because she has no idea what the clima tact does.
Against absalom she just electrocuted him while he wasn't looking and was already pretty beaten from fighting sanji.
It's really just Nami vs Kalifa.
Am I forgetting something?
why do so many zoro stans want a backstory? can't he just be a normal dude who is good? I get that there are some hints but its not really a necessity that there's something more

just because sanji got a second backstory, that doesn't mean zoro has to. Sanji's lineage is being related to science and potentially lunarians which might play a big role in terms of understanding what happened in the void century

the two things are completely different. if zoro does get more backstory, its fine. if he doesn't, that's also good.
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