Carrot has to be stowing away now. There is literally no other option. She wasn't mentioned this chapter and hasn't had any actual dialogue with a Straw Hat post raid. Oda highlighted that Carrot is unique in that she is one of the few who has travelled with Luffy (Neko said this). She was a legitimate companion to the crew for an entire arc. With everything else going on (Carrot not wanting to be leader, Pedro's will being to help Luffy bring the Dawn) her stowing away is literally the only viable option. I refuse to believe Oda wouldn't even give her one last farewell with her "Choniki" who literally referred to her as an honorary little sister in WCI.
And it would be easy to write it so she can say farewell with Momo. Just show the two meeting together as the future leaders before they realise Luffy is going. Carrot might not have been relevant in Wano but her role in WCI certainly would warrant a better farewell and honorary crew member status over Yamato. Unless we're now pretending WCI doesn't exist and Wano was the only significant thing to happen post time skip.
I'm convinced Carrot is joining now. And if she isn't, what an incredible fuck up to not even put a cap on their adventure and for Pedro's will to not even be acknowledged by the crew.

