Was Wano one of the worst arcs in One Piece? How do you rate wano?

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If Buggy shows up in Wano and gives a giant speech about how Wano and the Samurai are assholes and need to learn to love and accept each other like Oden did, I will cry tears of red noses. Only Buggy can save Wano from itself.
bugy shows up, kills them all, then puts richie in place of momo
and that's who the world will know as the greatest shogun
If she were talking specifically about Kurozumi Clan, she would have said 黒炭家
It's just wordplay with charcoal and a parallelism to Oden
One person =\= an entire clan?

Like maybe the reason people are memeing and calling this ass is because it is. Even Japanese forums are saying how bad this is or do you speak Japanese better than native speakers


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
You know what's the most unfortunate and saddest part of future events in one piece...

The climax arc will be huge....and, Oda is really good at making it big. But he sucks at executing it. The harsh reality which we all will face is oda won't do justice to most of the SHs or other characters.

Most of them would be sidelined just like how it happened in wano for the sake of scabbards and momo.
Blackbeard is the most cherished antagonist

Oda never disappointed us when it comes to Shanks and Blackbeard.

Of course BB will lose at some point but these two will enjoy the biggest hype among all.

No matter how much oda screwed others but I have full faith on Oda when it comes to these two
With the recent Shanks hype,if think OP still has a chance turn the tide around and make even more epic stuff than Enies lobby and the Ace rescue set up and conclusion.Oda planned Op ending years ago,back when he was at his prime.It will be good.Roger flashback with Oden was quite cool.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Blackbeard is the most cherished antagonist

Oda never disappointed us when it comes to Shanks and Blackbeard.

Of course BB will lose at some point but these two will enjoy the biggest hype among all.

No matter how much oda screwed others but I have full faith on Oda when it comes to these two
Blackbeard has zero Road Ponyglyphs, as far as we know. Outside of Wano is Whole Cake, and Zou. If Blackbeard shows up, now... then he can take three Road Ponyglyphs, Pluton, and Sukiyaki, a Ponyglyph translator.

Blackbeard fan's are about to EAT, ZEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
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