You yourself are not sure whether you are right or wrong and are saying we will confirm next chapter but then call me a sore loser? What exactly have I lost?😓
You say I am making up fake narratives but I don't think I’ve made any unreasonable claims.
Honestly it’s getting a bit tiring saying this over & over again but for the last time let’s lay down what we know again

- We know that the trio of P1, Drake & Hawkins came looking Sanji.
- We know that Sanji engaged one of them (P1 ) with the intention of taking him out and we also kno Sanji was dominating him in the fight.
- The town is getting wrecked as such Sanji says he has to finish the fight quickly and then we see Sanji fly up to the sky and then land a devastating kick on P1. After which we get cut off from the fight.
- We know that after the fight only 2 of the 3 pursuers (I.e. Drake & Hawkins) continued the search for Sanji and P1 is MIA.
Now from the aforementioned sequence of events, I think there’s strong reason to believe that Sanji took out P1 like he said he would as P1 was MIA for a whole two weeks after their fight. Fast forward to the current chapter & P1 has seemingly returned. The counter-argument presented against Sanji having beaten P1 was that Drake killed him but with P1 being currently alive that possibility has been eliminated. So now if Sanji didn’t beat P1 how would you justify hIm
being MIA for 2 weeks till now? You seem to think P1 wasn’t defeated but burden on proof is on you to justify that not me.
Also you can laugh off the notion of Drake having killed P1 all you want but whether you believe it or not, that was actually a ting.
Lastly, yes it is a fact that all six of the Tobi Roppo are currently gathered on Onigashima so chances are P1 is part of the six. However, we only got shots of their shoes lolz so we can’t confirm whether he’s indeed part of the group or not. Page 1 is an ancient zoan so it’s possible that he’s already recovered since the Sanji fight even if he was defeated given how much time has passed provided Sanji didn’t kill him. However, I find it a bit odd that P1 is still battle able when Oda wrote Sanji to say he’d be weakening Kaidou's forces so I think there’s a possibility that he’s been replaced by some else. Keep in mind that the Tobi Roppo are stated to be the top 6 headliners under Kaidou so if Page 1 got defeated, I think there’s a case for him having been replaced. If Page 1 is revealed to be part of the Flying six on Onigashima, I’ll acknowledge that I was wrong about him not making another appearance in the future but currently I think there’s still a possibility that he might not be
