White as a favorite shade is said to represent a peaceful individual, neat and simple in your ways. Your love for this airy and angelic shade represents a positive personality, and an optimistic outlook toward the future and life in general. People are drawn to you due to your bright nature, and it is said that you are typically very independent, self-sufficient, and detail-oriented. Using white in your home will instantly brighten and uplift any space.
1058 spoilers

- Straw Hats check the bounties on the ship, those bounties include Mihawk's and updated Blackbeard's

Scene cuts to Cross Guild

- Mihawk tells Buggy and Crocodile he is going to Hachinosu, because he heard Perona got captured by the Blackbeard Pirates, he says they should come along and take over the island

Scene cuts to somewhere in the New World

- Chapter ends with Shanks' and Blackbeard's crews meeting each other in the middle of the sea, ready to fight
confirmed by Malik from TalkOP
White as a favorite shade is said to represent a peaceful individual, neat and simple in your ways. Your love for this airy and angelic shade represents a positive personality, and an optimistic outlook toward the future and life in general. People are drawn to you due to your bright nature, and it is said that you are typically very independent, self-sufficient, and detail-oriented. Using white in your home will instantly brighten and uplift any space.
I love Blue. How about it?
1058 spoilers

- Straw Hats check the bounties on the ship, those bounties include Mihawk's and updated Blackbeard's

Scene cuts to Cross Guild

- Mihawk tells Buggy and Crocodile he is going to Hachinosu, because he heard Perona got captured by the Blackbeard Pirates, he says they should come along and take over the island

Scene cuts to somewhere in the New World

- Chapter ends with Shanks' and Blackbeard's crews meeting each other in the middle of the sea, ready to fight
I love Blue. What about it?
Blue is the most popular choice among favorite colors, said to represent a deep need for personal inner peace and truth. Lovers of blue are said to like to live their lives according to their ideals and beliefs, often choosing to live in peace and harmony. Blue is said to represent your sensitive and reliable side, with a consistent effort to think of others. Lovers of blue typically respect that stability is an extremely important aspect of your life, and you probably like to keep a clean and tidy household. Using blue in your home will instantly bring a soothing tranquility to the space, and is also known to be an appetite suppressant due to its refreshing sensory qualities.
1058 spoilers

- Straw Hats check the bounties on the ship, those bounties include Mihawk's and updated Blackbeard's

Scene cuts to Cross Guild

- Mihawk tells Buggy and Crocodile he is going to Hachinosu, because he heard Perona got captured by the Blackbeard Pirates, he says they should come along and take over the island

Scene cuts to somewhere in the New World

- Chapter ends with Shanks' and Blackbeard's crews meeting each other in the middle of the sea, ready to fight
*chapter ends with something oda is gonna completely skip and tell you the result of 30 chapters after*


1058 spoilers

- Straw Hats check the bounties on the ship, those bounties include Mihawk's and updated Blackbeard's

Scene cuts to Cross Guild

- Mihawk tells Buggy and Crocodile he is going to Hachinosu, because he heard Perona got captured by the Blackbeard Pirates, he says they should come along and take over the island

Scene cuts to somewhere in the New World

- Chapter ends with Shanks' and Blackbeard's crews meeting each other in the middle of the sea, ready to fight

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
Pink as a favorite color is said to represent a loving, kind, and sensitive individual, often with a strong nurturing and sensual side. Your romantic view of life is said to bring you to have idealistic standards. with a sweet, charming side that often makes you a delicate and lovable individual. Pink often can represent softness and femininity, and a deep need to be accepted and loved unconditionally.
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