Hopefully Usopp lives up to his bounty of 500 million. Usopp vs Van Auger and Chopper vs Doc Q are two fights I actually look forward to despite the two Straw Hats in question disappointing me quite a bit. Atleast Chopper gets some nice moments most arcs he's important in but the bounty thing stopped being funny a while ago. Usopp's been underwhelming all throughout Wano save for a few panels so I really want him to go all out against Van Auger and potentially prove himself to his father. I'd like it if he surpassed Yasopp too but I'd rather not get greedy looking at his track-record.
Hopefully Oda starts building up to the other Straw Hat match-ups or atleast gives focus to the Blackbeard Pirates soon, they seem interesting. Maybe this chapter we'll get some interesting stuff on them since Teach appears.