Is Mihawk more powerful than Shanks?

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"Former Warlord" tax.
Now that the Warlords stocks in general goes up, because Jinbe once held the title his stocks rise too I guess.

I badly need to see the explanation that Oda gives for this because it makes zero sense lmao. Almost like he did it just to fuck with yall.
Doubt there'll be any explanation
IMO it's Oda wanting to hammer Jinbe being YC tier despite giving him a much weaker matchup.
Yeah that shit made no sense lmao.
That magistrate is the slasher so Zoro suddenly turns into a Vigilante who brings people in power to justice? That too when he's supposed to be undercover?

One way of explaining it would be that he had to fight and get out of his own execution... but honestly I just think Oda drew that shit because he thought it'd look "cool" or something.
Zoro's always been morally upright we've saw this in his introduction
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