Is Mihawk more powerful than Shanks?

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Kitetsu Wanker
you just know shanksmutts are gonna go full cope with muh "M-Mihawk is the more skilled swordsman doesn't mean he's s-stronger!"

When they fail realize that statement unequivocally categorized Shanks as a swordsman and that Mihawk holds the title of the WORLD'S STRONGEST


@ConquistadoR @Den_Den_Mushi @nik87 @HA001 @Punpun @God Ward
Member of Crying Six, Erkek told us about skill and strength back during the special merienda that I managed to capture. :catsure:

GodHawk is worlds strongest and most skilled haha

That would mean he have more variety in his arsenal than 1 armed has been Shanks
Variety is only for weaklings who dont have a thing that works.
Swordsmen dont need anything but a sword because it simply works.
Mihawk fans are too dumb to realize that this chapter confirms the "Mihawk is only better in swordsmanship" agenda :cheers:

@wys @ZoroMazino @SakazOuki @nik87 @The White Crane @Lor D. Coast @HA001 @Darkkiing
Swallolo-chan, that copium was used up by @Erkan12 a long time ago. :risitameh:
Zoro is a pure swordsman
yet his Alabasta power up was about haki
His EL power-up was partially about haki (Asura is COC related)
His 2 years training had heavy focus on haki

His Wano power-up was all about haki
Anyone that argue that haki isn't part of swordsmanship is either not reading the series or is intellectually dishonest.
lt is but not all of it, Mihawk won't use his CoC to attack from a distance..

Gorosei Informer

Oda really purposely baited the fanbase here multiple times and it's getting lapped up unironically, which is no wonder its such an insulting chapter too in some ways.

Nami getting CoC randomly now top? As a gag moment as well? I've always suspected she had latent CoA or even CoC but be an Observation specialist ofc. It finally explains why she could hurt Luffy with her punches and thus matches her with Garp in that regard too potentially, although Garp is a mega beast and will have both CoA and even CoO potentially mastered too. Hoping for him to have CoC too especially as us grandson has it and his son HAS to have it too regardless!

I knew aside from the obvious Sanji and Jinbei rivalry/conflict coming up again with their bounties instead now, Oda is also baiting hard with Mihawk and the comment about superior skill to Shanks.

Stuff like that being lapped up and being the hottest topics are a large part of the reason, the story itself has changed for the worse greatly and the series is going downhill.

Now we gotta wait 2 weeks too for the next chapter as I suspected and was right about.

Still no idea where the SHs are going or meant to at least, with a specific confirmation in story I mean.
Mihawk has a lower bounty, was portrayed fighting YC and looking up to measure the distance from WB and is destined to ultimately fight a subordinate.
Shanks is a CoC SPECIALIST like Luffy, Zoro may have CoC but he isn't a specialist and is so limited as CoC cannot be trained.
Mihawk > Shanks
Mihawk neg diff EOS Luffy
Y’all luffytards hella dishonest
The Zoro Sanji banter this chapter reminds me of the Sabaody arrival arguments (number 2/number 4 instead of number 1/number 7 or whatever the arrival order was). Never change, Zoro and Sanji, never change. :zosmug::stealthblack:

I just realised the difference between Zoro and Jimbei's practically pocket change. Wild, that they're that close. Only Sanji could still be fighting after being so close to Zoro and having a +1 billion bounty. My man :goyea: keeping high standards for himself at all times.

Mihawk hype! You just know that some people will say they don't mean overall strength but this is pretty much clarification that the title regardless of exact definition includes Shanks when they say Mihawk's top 1 Swordsman. They outright said he surpasses Shanks as a Swordsman.:milaugh:Only argument left is that his haki skill is separate but Mihawk uses haki too so that doesn't really hold up either. It's been fun guys but Mihawk's World's Strongest Swordsman.

I can still picture an argument for Shanks (if Conqueror's really is seen as so gamechanging) but as someone who had them as pretty much equals, I'm kinda leaning towards Mihawk.
We can dance again.

Mihawk is the WSS so obviously everyone is thinking he is more skilled. The guy also has a black blade. And only the 2 best swordsmen in history had forged one.

So yeah Mihawk is a good boy

But still Roger with his no black sword can kill him.

It’s a pirate manga, where the goal is to be pirate king. When Luffy is the MC. Where Straw hats are importants. Where COC is the most hyped power.

Shanks > Mihawk (extreme diff) till the end of the story
So yeah, u believe that a Swordsman beating Mihawk still doesn't make them WSS

Nice Logic


✯ ✧ 𝔾 𝕠 𝕕 𝕠 𝕗 𝕃 𝕚 𝕖 𝕤 ✧ ✯
We're forgetting that buggy getting a high bounty just for rivaling Shanks and being pirates Rogers

he got sanjied, BUT ALSO him being a punchbag mascot of the organization with such a bounty really fits it all right now, especially that Crocodile, despite being a founder, has the lowest bounty and by that less people will try to attack him as it will serve him well in the future, being safer than the other two.
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