Is Mihawk more powerful than Shanks?

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U had been reading two piece then my boy
Am l..

- WhosWho wanting to challenge an Allstar
- Hybrid form revealed in the same chapter than Queen
- Hyped up as Rob Lucci genius
- Jack didnt use a single named attack, Haki, and his fight was not important
- Whoswho was not going all out against Jinbei casually flexing
Oda is claiming that, we just take his word for it. If Oda says Mihawk is strongest swordsman in name and actuality, who are you to deny that ?
The marines in the story are claiming that. They don't have all the information.
If you believe in their words 100% without a basis you also have to believe their assessment of Buggy
So I missed out on the fun when fool summary dropped. But, how are sanji fans feeling right now? What about Shanks fans? Do y'all have any urges like ropes calling you to put them on your necks or something? :suresure:

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
The main thing I'm looking for is closure
As bullshit as what happened to Yamato was at the very least she got closure
We know for sure her fate and current direction in the story

Yamato said what she was going to do and why
With Carrot that's not the case.
She doesn't even give a definitive answer from her own mouth during that scene.
So right now we don't know for sure what she's doing right now.

And that's the closure I'm waiting for.
So then you have no argument on Mihawk being stronger than Shanks currently because they haven't fought since like forever.
He doesnt need any arguments. Two rivals use swords as their primary weapon and only one has world's strongest swordsman title. So the burden of proof is on you.

You could previously say Shanks is a yonko, Mihawk straight up rejects the yonko title and gave it to fucking Buggy in this chapter
You could say Shanks has a 4 billion bounty now and only had 1.1 billion during their duels, this chapter shows Mihawk has 3.6 billion without a single person backing him up
You could say Mihawk is only better at swordsmanship. Zoro already showed you that swordsmen and hakimen are essentially the same thing. The hakiman argument wont help you much here.
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