Also another one for Nami:
Big Mom is known for her CoC too, especially at the tea party,
Nami has stolen and still has one of her homies somehow (despite BM apparently being dead and yet Film Red shows her alive too apparently),
both are heavily associated with children and seen as motherly
but also fearsome, intimidating figures at times,
both known for their beauty (in Big Moms case decades ago ofc unless you're
@SeaTonnes for example), it's not at all coincidence ofc, Nami is the new Big Mom and thus one of the
many reasons she deserves CoC.
There's also the shares connection between theme over Lola ofc. I actually expected WCI or Elbaf to be Namis arcs too as she's Swedish and her connections and parallels to Big Mom.
Nami has freakish strength too when angered, which is confirmed by her awakened CoC as well.