It's just a consequence of the order in which they're read. "Mafia" is the qualifier, but because I have no interest in ensuring that only Mafia is discussed here, it only applies to the Mafia section itself, not the topic specifically. "General" is a secondary qualifier, to denote that the topics discussed within are General topics, as in anything that doesn't specifically require it's own thread. And Chat is a tertiary qualifier, to describe the nature of the thread itself (which is a Chat thread, and not say a debate thread or a battle thread which have their own structure when it comes to replying). If you swap Mafia and General around, Mafia becomes the secondary qualifier, which requires the topics at hand to be Mafia-related, with General qualifying these topics by stipulating anything within the realm of Mafia goes. Think of it like this. When you read each word, it gives you an idea about what it is. So with General Mafia Chat, you read General first, which tells you the thread is broad in scope, then Mafia, which tells you that the thread pertains to the topic of Mafia (and with General, anything within Mafia), and then Chat, which tells you that the structure of the thread is that of a typical conversation (rather a series of them). In Mafia General Chat, you read Mafia first, which tells you that the thread pertains to something involving Mafia (in this case, the section, which is why it's within the Mafia section), then General, which tells you that the topics within are general topics, and thus covers everything that doesn't require a specific thread, and then finally Chat, which again pertains to thread structure.