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So Kuja, SSG/Marines and Rayleigh to stop Blackbeard.

Good hype for Hancock tbh. Was thinking at least one of the warlords to get captured, but it seems Oda wants them to be for a little while relevant.

Don't get why Blackbeard wants her ability, or why tf he got Koby, he aint a bargain chip lol.
Koby did something thay impressed him this chapter
Croc is part of YONKO crew.

If crews mattered so much then Luffy should have had much much higher bounty than Law and Kidd since he has ex-Shichi in his crew and a whole Grand Fleet, not even taking into account Nika fruit.

Captains are ranked on their own merit not their crew’s.
Everyone knows he is a liar
Not really. Marines came for Kuja. Blackbeard interfered and fought Kujas. The Marines had no reason to team up with Kujas. Then Rayleigh interfered and ultimately stopped Blackbeard, probably like Shanks did in marineford.
They did have a reason they wouldn't want bb to steal another fruit since they know he was devil fruit hunting
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