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- Your Two Piece hype for Laffitte doesn't exist in OP. Tsuru mentions Laffite being some corrupt officer in Sea he's from. This is about Tsuru knowing her people lmao, she's literally the "Great Staff Officer" for a reason and focuses on intel.
Corrupt Police officer >> Legendary Pirates who shook the world. What a clown statement to make.

- Again more delusion, he told the Marines to stay where they are and don't come close. Lmao. Didn't say shit to the ID prisoners, stop reading Two piece. That's Shiryuu asking the ID dudes if they gone disband if Teach fails, Laffitte ain't say jack shit.

Read chapter 595
Teach havent stolen boas df yet
But he can nullify any DF powers for a short time
Remember Kurozuu

Rayleigh death flag all over
RIP dark king
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