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Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Diversion isn't gonna change the fact that you are a sanjitard and you are really shitting on sanji out of insecurity

Keep pretending to be better than you actually are when you literally have no standards.

Imagine nitpicking and calling Rayleigh trash character because of bullshit reasons when Sanji has done like 100 actual garbage things in manga and still saying he's not a bad character.

If you were someone who wasn't a well known troll and objective I'd actually engage you in debate.
I'm not diverting anything, Shichio. The topic was always about Rayleigh's character.

The only one who is diverting and dodging is you after making a claim that Rayleigh is not a shit character yet not providing a single argument or refute to the points I brought up, and just kept insisting on sucking Sanji's cock.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
And none of them attack Shanks
Shanks' crew had come to stop the war, they were the ones who were limited not to attack...Go thank Oda for not letting Shanks use coc or the admirals would have needed diapers.:myman:
Shanks’ equal and his entire crew just ran away from an old and rusty retiree. Lol
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