Questions & Mysteries Why do you just assume Sanji defeated Page One?

Is the Anime Reliable?

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Sanji running from the fight had absolutely nothing to do with powerlevels
  1. Page was literally a hype tool for the raid suit. The entire reason so many people thought Sanji beat him is precisely because he was portrayed as weaker than Sanji.
  2. Before the fight began, Page reported Sanji's location to Hawkins and Drake. Hawkins and Drake were on their way, meaning that if Sanji couldn't literally 1 shot Page, he'd end up having to deal with hawkins and drake. Something even Law didn't want to do.
  3. Page had highly destructive attacks and Sanji admitted that if they fight, they would probably destroy the entire city. The reason he fought page at all was so that he could protect civiliians.

When the war begins we're going to see Page be used as a hype tool again. Watch Oda use him to reveal some sort of new power up for sanji.