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Can’t wait to see skin shatter more swords especially GRADED ones 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Well they already know things gonna be complicated.

I doubt they legit killed him because he's likely doesn't know anything and won't be able to do much even If he knows
well, they most likely have told him about it because it would have been too suspicious if they didn't know anything (or answered evasively); but what assurance did they have that cobra wouldn't have spilled the beans after they told him about it? better safe than sorry
This chapter also confirms that Blackbeard is a strong armament user with massive physical strength

> He could block a mountain slicing slash with armament alone, and cutting attacks bypass armament better than blunt if the haki isn't strong enough

> Furthermore, when he held Hancock by the neck, she couldn't do anything to get away, showing that her physical strength was no match to his

And he also showed the ability to use observation haki preskip when he could sense Luffy's haki in Jaya and even evaluated it's growth back in Impel Down

No wonder then that he was mentioned to be commander level even without his devil fruit.

And it shows as well just how much underrated the Ace vs Teach battle was. No wonder their battle was threatening an entire island :kayneshrug:
We see YC1-YC3lvl characters fighting now(Marco,King,Katakuri,Queen,Cracker,Jack).
And until these days non of these had fights, who top the one with Ace vs BB.
The lvl of destruction, skill and tactic was insane in Ace vs BB, now I understand why Ace neck almost was broken by one hit, BB has insane CoA and physical states, also the novels are probably not canon but in that Ace was a monster on his own(with FS and great df skill), he got defeated in the end by Yami BB. I think people downplay Yami BB too much in the past, in fact this guy was able to tank hits from Sengoku and Gura Whitebeard.

Yami Blackbeard(Inbetweener/Low top tier)
Gura+Yami Blackbeard Marineford(Mid top tier)
Current one(High top tier)

The next time BB will even surpass all top tiers which we know(Roger/Whitebeard)
Our boy keep increasing!!
Last chapter we saw Buggy, Mihawk, Crocodile, and Kuma.

This chapter we are seeing Blackbeard and Boa.

The only former Warlords left that we still need to see are Moria and Weevil.
most likely, moria is alive and stayed in hachinosu, and weevil faced fujitora (since he didn't go to AL). i hope we'll see them next chapter
This chap helps Greenbull twice.

> Yamato lowkey admitting that they were fudged if Shanks didnt show up. Meaning she knew she had no chance in hell against him.

> Yamakigi saying they need HQ permission to attack Yonkos. Something Greenbull didnt have against Shanks. Meaning thats what the "Not yet" implied.
No lmao. Are you forgetting that Yamato wasn't allowed to fight? Yamato said she is staying in Wano to protect the civilians from threats like Greenbull which contradicts everything you said. Yamato is confident she can defend Wano from threats like GB lol.
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