imagine Yonko replaced by kids , all coz they got lunarian + giant dna with Lasers/cyborg abilities

"Old Ray is yonko/ FA level, can beat Teach"
He admits he can't beat Teach (who's not yet above Rocks pirates) (Teach isn't even above Shanks and Luffy yet)
Teach didn't even bother hyping Rayleigh...the same Teach who hypes sickbeard and Kaido as "Monsters "
I told you guys that Yami Teach and Ace were always > Marco/King
Pre ts Yami Teach is inbeetweener , current Yami Teach is solid top tier

The list of high tiers/inbetweeners choked low diff by Yonko :
So much for warlords even being above FS Luffy/Katakuri
If hancock with her top haki can't even do much to Yami Teach,
What Will Doffy and Croco do? 2 guys who rely on dfs and have trash haki
SSG > Warlords... Teach low diffing Warlords and SSG easily prove once again
Yonko > Admirals > Warlords /YCs

reminder Kaido doesn't bother hyping Warlords...he considers them weak, including Mihawk
WB didn't hype Mihawk at NF, neither did BN hype Warlords
Kaido took notice of SSG so...

if WG sent Seraphims after weevil then Posthawk hype is nonsense
Boa is a bigger threat than WSS marine hunter who has better skills than
Navy + Seraphims (2) for Boa...it took a Yonko to restrain her
Navy fleets sent Mihawk packing
At least Croco took out the fleets sent after Buggy
Mihawk has inflated bounty like Croco and Jack do...
Boa got hyped and her bounty makes senses

you know katakuri is the real deal when people downplaying him for getting sneak attacked and still not losing.
Mr. Go can catch 2 fs users off guad, Flampe caught Kata and Luffy off-guard..
It means nothing.
Caesar knows he cant accomplish that head on if he fights Kata.

Caesar still says "let us escape" even though kata is hallucinating right now
Germa + Caesar = mid diff
since Germa were getting low diffed by kata & Oven
The only way to beat kata 1v1 or 2v1 is to have G4 AP + Top tier speed + top CoO or top AoE + Top stats or sneak attacks with Hax powers (even then he won't be KOed)
King couldn't damage RS Sanji...Kata can damage RS Exo Vinsmokes as he no diffed ichiji 1v1 and was low diffing 3 Vinsmokes in 1v3 while Oven fought Yonji.

maybe King needs super poisonous gas and hope for sneak attack 1v1 lol which won't happen
Even then he lacks the AP to KO kata

both Oven and Kata can endure poisonous gas while Zoro, Luffy and them were KOed by yeti bro or normal gas