Not downplayed you troll. That bounty literally shows nothing because they literally said Buggy is stronger than Mihawk and still only 3 billion.
Damage control for what?

For assuming that I was right? I said if Mihawk was close to Yonko level he should be 3 billion, BUT obviously his bounty is inflated so that's not a right prediction anymore.
They literally said Buggy's POWER made Mihawk obey him, so keep breathing that ZKK copium my boy.
''Brannew: “Buggy the Genius Jester”!!
Adding on to what was previously mentioned…and most importantly…is his power that made those two obey him..!!''

Is this guy for real?
They literally give more than x2 of Franky's bounty to Robin due to Robin's extra danger to government. Crocodile has higher bounty than Zolo and Sanji. He is definitely weaker than them.
Same logic as Mihawk, because he is the ''marine hunter''.
Being stronger than Mihawk only = 3 billion, you guys took another L.