One Piece Chapter 1059 "Captain Koby’s Case"

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You have seen how well-treated Kaido and especially Big Mom were in regards of their portrayal. And Blackbeard already had been goofed before the timeskip many times, and yet this is nothing compared to the clowning and shit treatment Big Mom received.
Being goofy is fine since he’s the other side of Luffy’s coin. He’ll always be like that.

But setting him up as a cunning planner and now throwing it out the window is a different matter.
Being goofy is fine since he’s the other side of Luffy’s coin. He’ll always be like that.

But setting him up as a cunning planner and now throwing it out the window is a different matter.
Well he did some stupid things already, such as him asking Ace and Moria to join him despite him having done things that made him his enemies forever, or trying to take on his former captain alone even with WB being so injured.

Gol D. Roger

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Coby isn't that important to them. He's very strong for his rank and have some reputation but he's not that big or important as an asset to the Marines and WG this far.

And the WG has already shown how they deal with disasters, far worse than Coby being captured, and they were willing to cover up things far worse such as Doflamingo's actions at Dressrosa until Fujitora screwed their plans or the mass break out at Impel Down.
No one said he's important to them either. All I said is their reputation is at stake because a man seen as a marine hero was kidnapped by a pirate. If you genuinely believe the WG doesn't lose face from it, then there isn't much I can tell you to convince you otherwise because it's supposed to be common sense.

And I don't get why you're acting like I said WG is going to fight a war to save him. I simply said BB might use him to get something he wanted from the WG, and the WG may comply to save face even if they don't care about Coby. A cover-up is harder than a simple bargain, then they can report it however they want since BB won't care.

You don't deliberately let mistakes happen just because you can cover them up. That's too stupid. The WG already lost its reputation and lost kingdoms and people's trust. That's why the likes of Morgan are defying them so openly. They can't afford to make more mistakes. Coby's kidnap is big news whether they care about him or not. And they must do something about him if they don't wanna come across as weak.
No one said he's important to them either. All I said is their reputation is at stake because a man seen as a marine hero was kidnapped by a pirate. If you genuinely believe the WG doesn't lose face from it, then there isn't much I can tell you to convince you otherwise because it's supposed to be common sense.

And I don't get you're acting like I said WG is going to fight a war to save him. I simply said BB might use him to get something he wanted from the WG, and the WG may comply to save face even if they don't care about Coby. A cover-up is harder than a simple bargain, then they can report it however they want since BB won't care.

You don't deliberately let mistakes happen just because you can cover them up. That's too stupid. The WG already lost its reputation and lost kingdoms and people's trust. That's why the likes of Morgan are defying them so openly. They can't afford to make more mistakes. Coby's kidnap is big news whether they care about him or not. And they must to something about him if they don't wanna come across as weak.
Honestly what CAN they do? They've their hands full with stuff like the Cross Guild actively targeting Marines now and the whole Sabo and the flames of revolution he brought about. And the 3 3billion new era pirates just got out of Wano and some of them will be looking for trouble too.

Navy is in a tight spot right now. We have to wait and see if they have an army of the new pacifistas. If they do, they can just send wave after wave of them.
Me seeing kid Mihawk stalemate BB and then flashing back to King=Queen, Queen gives King extreme diff, Queen is more durable than King posts.

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No there is no missing bubble or any agenda

Simply Redon said that because before Rayleigh's introduction Oda placed a panel showing only a black lightning, thus he wanted to highlight Rayleigh's Haki
thanks, well it is obious that top tier such Ray,Wihawk,Shanks posses conqueror coating (only an handfull of the strongest posses this skill)
No one said he's important to them either. All I said is their reputation is at stake because a man seen as a marine hero was kidnapped by a pirate. If you genuinely believe the WG doesn't lose face from it, then there isn't much I can tell you to convince you otherwise because it's supposed to be common sense.

And I don't get why you're acting like I said WG is going to fight a war to save him. I simply said BB might use him to get something he wanted from the WG, and the WG may comply to save face even if they don't care about Coby. A cover-up is harder than a simple bargain, then they can report it however they want since BB won't care.

You don't deliberately let mistakes happen just because you can cover them up. That's too stupid. The WG already lost its reputation and lost kingdoms and people's trust. That's why the likes of Morgan are defying them so openly. They can't afford to make more mistakes. Coby's kidnap is big news whether they care about him or not. And they must to something about him if they don't wanna come across as weak.
The WG cares far more about its own reputation that it does about the marines', the Gorousei made it clear to Sengoku and Sakazuki when dealing with the Impel Down and Doflamingo issues.

And as far as we know they have far greater concerns that dealing with a reputated but otherwise still secondary marine captain, that isn't irreplacable to them.

The only way they could ever agree to make a deal about Coby is if they feel he's really an extremely important asset, or do think he has vital informations about them that they can't reveal.

And Sakazuki is extremely hardly someone who'll make deals with pirates, we already saw that with the Bonney-Blackbeard situation after Marineford, with Bonney being strongly implied to be far more important to the WG that Coby currently is.
Rayleigh‘s a fucking beast, he flexed a little acoc too. Aside from all the hype things that happened, I’m also glad that Marco and Luffy finally got their small talk. Oda also gave the band-aid solution for Yamato’s trash reason of declining the SHs. It’s overall a really good chapter.
like you avy and also your main character, why dont we have a crew with just Law/Zoro:amazing:, the real bounty hunter in One Piece:steef: