Orochimaru didn't use any real ninjutsu on Hiruzen, he sat back and had the Edo Tensei fight for him so in a straight up clash IDK how comparable they are. He caught Orochimaru napping and Orochimaru suffered for it.

Kakashi's got great feats against Kakuzu but wasn't able to keep up with Kakuzu's relentless assault with ninjutsu and TBH the major reason he got the draw on Kakuzu was because Kakuzu didn't know Kakashi was coming.

Well even a orochimaru's body who was severely rejecting him was still able to keep up in combat against the 4 tails version of naruto, much less a more healthy 2 armed orochimaru who hiruzen disarmed in close quarters combat.


I will never forgive Oda
Are you saying that Kishimoto can?????

LAC moment??
@MarineHQ It's time for you to battle Kinyagi to the death for Sakura's honor
that first girl in the who??? tier is Itachi's "girlfriend"
OH. I heard about her. Always found it weird the anti-social kid had a GF/lover pending on translation
Well even a orochimaru's body who was severely rejecting him was still able to keep up in combat against the 4 tails version of naruto, much less a more healthy 2 armed orochimaru who hiruzen disarmed in close quarters combat.
Orochimaru was crazy but I don't think Kakuzu is that far below Orochimaru/Jiraiya either. A tier at most.
@MarineHQ It's time for you to battle Kinyagi to the death for Sakura's honor

OH. I heard about her. Always found it weird the anti-social kid had a GF/lover pending on translation

Orochimaru was crazy but I don't think Kakuzu is that far below Orochimaru/Jiraiya either. A tier at most.
I think Kakuzu is like a tier at least, possibly 2 tiers below.

Really the only akatsuki members I put on at least Sannin tier are Orochimaru (obviously), Obito (far above), Itachi, Pain, Kisame, and MAYBE Sasori (though I'm a LOT higher on him than most)