@MarineHQ It's time for you to battle Kinyagi to the death for Sakura's honor

OH. I heard about her. Always found it weird the anti-social kid had a GF/lover pending on translation

Orochimaru was crazy but I don't think Kakuzu is that far below Orochimaru/Jiraiya either. A tier at most.
Thinking Sakura is hot is one thing, but thinking Sakura is well written? That’s an L of crazy proportions

A shady organization answering strictly to the Hokage? It's ripe for abuse. Orochimaru said it best;

Even Obito, who wants to push Sasuke away from Konoha, cannot bad mouth Sarutobi and says he was attempting negotiations. The Massacre was the cause of discrimination which no one man can end but their treason cost them their lives—Hiruzen tried, earnestly, to stop it.

Zero inaction. The discrimination began with their appointment as the village authority. Orochimaru calls Tobirama out for it.

If anything, we should be chiding Hiruzen for wasting so much time instead of working from the get-go to take down the Uchiha.
Yes, Tobirama created things that would lead to contention and problems later. Later being the operative word. It's on Hiruzen for not following up on them properly. And hiruzen has admitted as such too.

And yes, hiruzen preached peace and all. But he didn't take action when needed. Tobirama put him on charge, not danzo. But he still let danzo have significant power and controll all because of his friendship and guilt of him getting to be hokage and danzo not.

Orochimaru called him out for that. And we all know how worthy the snake is to call out others right?. Tobirama, as said by himself, knew that the uchiha clans eyes and the power of love it has on them, was a ticking time bomb. So he did the best he thought, and gave them authority and responsibility, so that they could use their powers for the leaf. And when he explained that after reincarnation, none of the hokage raised any opposition. Cause that was facts. Hard facts. He did what he thought was the best possible action to prevent another madara raising from within the village.

While the uchiha were discontent about the "segregation" They were still at relative peace for a long time. It was only after the nine tails incident, in which danzo fucked up again by ordering the uchiha to stand back, that the discontent grew to the level of a potential coup d'etat.

Tbh, we're just gonna circle back to the same arguments and not concede. So I'mma stop. I'll say this. My problems with Hiruzen comes mostly from his second tenure as hokage. And I like tobirama, so I am obviously biased.


(☝◞‸◟)☞ 𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚙
Oda's main heroines are at least people with wants and desires outside of a guy. Even his side girl characters can be nice. I at least know oda has spoken to a woman. Cant say that about kishi