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Its possible that Imu destroyed god valley, i wonder if it has a range limit, if it does then Imu must have been nearby god valley when it got destroyed.

If it has no limit then Imu could have nuked all the island where the yonkos reside but chose not to as it benefits him
Imagine that doesn't have unlimited range
@Shiroyru @Swallalala
Im either is or uses uranus meaning he has weather powers. Coincidentally Dragon has weather powers too. Im is now after Sabo and the revs while Dragon built an organisation to take down the CD. At this point you must be delusional to not see the obvious.

Dragon and Sabo vs CD including Imu and Luffy vs Akainu
Why would Oda make side characters face stronger opponents than Luffy lol
If the spoilers are true, either Gorosei ordered Cobra's assassination, which is probably ordered by Imu. Or they requested Imu to allow them to assassinate Cobra as they don't like him and consider him a traitor, so Imu allowed it.
About the island, the spoilers made it look like Imu used his power to erase the island as soon as he learned of Sabo's location. Imu is either mad because Sabo saw him or Sabo likely has Vivi with him. It's been hinted earlier that Imu's next target is Vivi.

Personally, I think they tried to kill Vivi but Cobra died in her place.
Gorosei asked Imu which light should be erased this time, Imu answered Vivi.

Gorosei ordered Lucci to kill Vivi, but Cobra saved her (a-la-Ace) and entrusted her to Sabo before dying.

Sabo and Vivi menaged to escape and this time Imu tried to deal with it by himself/herself.
Failing again.
Yeah i said that but even when creating the clouds it uses Enels energy to do so. Without Enel the Maxim is useless anyways.
Wonder where he got such ideas to build shit like that, he aint no Vegapunk, more interested im birka now.

Perhaps Uranus is a much superior version of Maxim, an airship floats high above the atmosphere at Imu's command.
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