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again, i just hope for a flashback or something and that's it :catsweat:
Yeah I feel you. Like I said, that Yamato flashback kind of nailed her coffin and I'm honestly just done with her. If Carrot got genuine closure as well that would be good, but considering how little Oda seemed to care with post-wano, I kind of doubt it'll happen :kayneshrug:
who are "they" ? if its Marines and World Government (except gorosei) then they didn't know single thing. its because the scene on Greenbit. Fujitora didn't even knew Doffy is a CD before Law suspect Doffy that he might be a CD, even Fleet Admiral Akainu didn't even knew any of it Before he stepped into Gorosei's room.
They = Imu, Gorosei and the other Celestial Dragons

Those are the only one that should know.

What is kind nonsense, as Doffy surname Donquixote is the same name as one of the 20 founding families, people from the WG could easily link the things.

But pehaps the names of the families arent public knowlodge and to the outside world the Celestial just use the "Saint" and only between them they use the surnames.

Also Sengoku could know if Rocinante hรกs told him


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the chances were killed during wano. carrot welcomes jinbe but then she's excluded from every moment with the complete crew. and now we got both the "nine commanders" and luffy telling them his full dream. it's over, no one is joining anymore. maybe vivi returns, but she was already a mugi
I'm not gonna rule out anyone joining yet, because Oda is really unpredictable, but yeah it seems like it's pretty much over at this point. I do like Vivi a lot so I'm hoping she joins back symbolically before EOS, and also because the SHs are a complete sausagefest
I imagine people bitching about the leader of the Akatsuki only appearing 240 chapters into the story and dying 200 later lol
Imu will be fleshed out and he was presented in perfect timing to show how the Reverie was a mundane thing and they were all puppets of someone of higher power.
Imu will be present for the entire final part of One Piece which is pretty good unlike Kaguya who appeared for a few chapters lmao
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