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Vanished from the maps of world.
Makes sense now.

But is imu had such weapons what was stopping him from using it on wano.
I wonder if Wano has become an impasse for Imu. Marines cant waltz in and maybe Imu has become aware Pluton is there, so destroying Wano wont work either cause the weapon may end up damaged/destroyed or who knows, maybe even activate.

Pure hypotheticals of course.


I wonder if Wano has become an impasse for Imu. Marines cant waltz in and maybe Imu has become aware Pluton is there, so destroying Wano wont work either cause the weapon may end up damaged/destroyed or who knows, maybe even activate.

Pure hypotheticals of course.
If ancient weapons were destroyable I don't think they were supposed to be hidden and last for 100s of year without being used.
Marines are the face of the world government, akainu is literally the one opposite of luffy freedom, and unless hes defeated he's going to keep spreading to marines his justice.

Akainu killed ace, gave luffy his scar, broke his will.

Sabo vs akainu is almost as bad as shiryu vs mihawk.
I normally agree with your points but this one I disagree with.

Sabo has aces will as he stated.

Has to make up for not being their

Has to show fire becoming more powerful than akainus magma as revenge.

Has to get revenge on behalf of his brother.

Also has to partake in his brotherly duty protecting his little brother.

It also build akainu being the major face of the marines while sabo is currently the face of the revos

Dragon and luffy vs imu makes a ton of sense.
Dragon for obvious reasons and luffy since it would be the first time him meeting and working with his dad. Also makes sense with the while Nika situation. Akainu is also a lapdog to the world government and in extension imus bitch. Luffy defeating akainu changes nothing since they will find another him to take his place .
Destroying island with prep, with the use of an ancient weapon, wow nice, holding the world hostage, elaborate lf it wasn't for the marines that wouldn't be possible.

Get over it, when did I say akainu is a FV, he'll simply be a lucchi for luffy, dreaming and fantasizing about him being a bluneo or cracker is not going to change the reality.
The marines are just the workers.

Akainu is not going to be an arc villain. The marines aren’t being fought in a different arc than The world government. And between Imu and Akainu it’s clear the big bad is imu.

Stop trying to read agenda piece.
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