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Hera is trash and they never tanked her attacks.
Show me panels

Fodders tanked lightning attack from Hera who>Zeus
He blocked and power of that broke 30 bones and then he tanked the explosion.
Unless you are telling me Zoro completely blocked Maximum power of Kaido and Big Mom that is like 100 times stronger than Bajrang Gun before even learning AdvCoC Or even using Ashura
Zoro is just glass canon he broke 30 bones from blocking Hakai. Zoro feat can be replicated by anyone who can match his strength. Apoo blocked Zoro attack. Apoo can block Hakai. Calamities can block Hakai too.

Luffy nearly died to Hody bite lmao
He did not faint. Zoro fainted afterward

Why are you defending such a disgusting dog faced troll man?
To show copy EG KOed Luffy while advCoC Kaido except Thunder Bagua cannot KO Luffy


Ich war schon immer der Meinung das keine Regierung sich um das eigene Volk schert.
Das sind alles Schauspieler für die breite Masse und die "wahren Herrscher" machen ihr Spiel wie immer weiter.
Demokratie ist super aber momentan nur ein Schleier
Die Konzerne haben mehr macht als das Volk
Es kommt mir so vor als hätten die damals gesagt: "Die Monarchie funktioniert nicht mehr . Wir geben dem Volk ihre Demokratie aber machen mit der gleichen scheisse weiter. Wir geben unsere Titel ab aber nicht unseren Reichtum und Einfluss."
Ja, genau so ist es.
Und vergiss nicht, dass du, aka DAS VOLK es bist, der den Konzernen ihre Macht gibt jedes mal wenn du bei ihnen einkaufst.


Welcome to the House of Hope
Sanji is mocking him, he told chopper to look if his brain is working lol
Sanji's dream is literally the same thing, kinda
Even crazier, why would he laugh at giving everybody meat? All blue is crazier than this!
Luffy's dream is beyond imagination, synergy with nika and his fruit.
I mock my friends as well. they mock me.
Doesn't mean we don't take each other seriously. It just means we like teasing each other and having a good laugh when we talk.

You seriously think Sanji is legit disrespecting Luffy's dream here?

Oh my....
Oda does realize he needs to actually kill off a character or two every once in a while for these fake out deaths to mean anything, right? Just baffling he still has this major flaw after almost a quarter century of creating the same series.
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