I genuily think Oda fcked up his story.
I'm a jusanko 13 theory fan, and i though it was going to be 13 Sh, and theres multiple reasons for that.
If we're going with the simple 10v10 for BB, we just missed the 2 only characters that could do that, regardless of what issues they had.
I mean what happens now? Are we going to travel with Boney for 7 more years while she becomes a background character and has some moments? Are we going to reach the "act 3 " of Elbaf and Loki's son shows up and wants to be a SH because he wants to live like Odin?
There's not enough time to properly develop a last SH and Oda has literally just killed 2 decent roles to have on the ship Lookout and logkeeper. So what roles would they even have.
I dunno i don't think you can salvage any new SH. Oda could have gone the 13 SH route and got a godlike symbolic story.