Who will be the next SH?

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If strawhat are really heading toward Elbaf, I am rooting for Harjudinn. IMO he has good chance if brought back to history, and there's also that issue with Buggy...
No real candidates to put on the poll aside from Caribou and Vivi. Bonney and Hancock are shaky at best.
None of them have a chance.

Caribou is a irredeemable villain (like Caesar) who was captured by a bigger villain's subordinate. Luffy saved Caribou thinking Caribou wouldn't do anything funny in Wano and be useful which was true. But we shall see how long Caribou stays but it's likely Caribou will get separated from the Strawhats again to go spill the beans of the Ancient Weapons to whoever is being alluded to.

Vivi is not joining the Strawhats more so then she already has as an unofficial Strawhat number 5.5. Oda planned ALL of the crewmates and how Vivi has been developed does not point to being a future official crewmate.
The poll already has jokes in it, such as Raizo and Pot. Not sure what you expected from a poll on WG anyway :rolaugh:
Having joke characters isn't a big deal until they take spots from those that are believed to have a shot at joining, no matter how slim the chance the opposition believes otherwise.
You're doing the same thing than Carrot fans, she didn't say her goodbye to the crew yadi yada, we haven't seen Sulong Pedro.. They are both irrelevant..

Pedro is going to appear in the Germa cover story as Strawberry jelly splattered over the shores of the seducing woods..
He's dead dead.. As dead as Hiluluk..
Or he's alive alive.. As alive as Pell.

It's not the same. I pointed out a possibility from Pedro's words to Luffy. Also mentioned that Luffy did not see any Sulong transformation in WCI or Wano. That's is strange so it leaves another time for Luffy to see the transformation. The shock value is gone especially if Luffy first sees Sulong from a Mink we have already seen transform.

Besides Pedro isn't irrelevant to Luffy as Luffy tends to forget or rather not care to remember what is not important to him.


None of them have a chance.

Caribou is a irredeemable villain (like Caesar) who was captured by a bigger villain's subordinate. Luffy saved Caribou thinking Caribou wouldn't do anything funny in Wano and be useful which was true. But we shall see how long Caribou stays but it's likely Caribou will get separated from the Strawhats again to go spill the beans of the Ancient Weapons to whoever is being alluded to.

Vivi is not joining the Strawhats more so then she already has as an unofficial Strawhat number 5.5. Oda planned ALL of the crewmates and how Vivi has been developed does not point to being a future official crewmate.

Having joke characters isn't a big deal until they take spots from those that are believed to have a shot at joining, no matter how slim the chance the opposition believes otherwise.

Or he's alive alive.. As alive as Pell.

It's not the same. I pointed out a possibility from Pedro's words to Luffy. Also mentioned that Luffy did not see any Sulong transformation in WCI or Wano. That's is strange so it leaves another time for Luffy to see the transformation. The shock value is gone especially if Luffy first sees Sulong from a Mink we have already seen transform.

Besides Pedro isn't irrelevant to Luffy as Luffy tends to forget or rather not care to remember what is not important to him.
Pedro ded
Monet ded
Gin ded
Deal with it guys
Let's not kid ourselves the next SH that even have a remote chance of joining are all in my avatar.

If Oda pulls a subversion and adds Caribou or Bonney or X-Drake or some other bs charcter, it's just bad writing.

I mean Christ, we don't have time to develop a character with a new arc comming and the 42 new side giants that are going to be presented.
Fuk me man...oda really...he really did her dirty
Don't worry. Oda purposefully left her last panel on wano ambiguous and cliffhangerish. I don't think he would have done that if she wasn't going to get any focus at all later. So we will get some closure at least. Whether that will be in the form of her accepting the Queenship and going back to zou or sneaking into the crew or maybe even something else completely different, is left to be seen. A Chekhov's gun must fire once it's loaded after all.


(☝◞‸◟)☞ 𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚙
Don't worry. Oda purposefully left her last panel on wano ambiguous and cliffhangerish. I don't think he would have done that if she wasn't going to get any focus at all later. So we will get some closure at least. Whether that will be in the form of her accepting the Queenship and going back to zou or sneaking into the crew or maybe even something else completely different, is left to be seen. A Chekhov's gun must fire once it's loaded after all.
thanks dude, legit all i want is closure
Or he's alive alive.. As alive as Pell.

It's not the same. I pointed out a possibility from Pedro's words to Luffy. Also mentioned that Luffy did not see any Sulong transformation in WCI or Wano. That's is strange so it leaves another time for Luffy to see the transformation. The shock value is gone especially if Luffy first sees Sulong from a Mink we have already seen transform.

Besides Pedro isn't irrelevant to Luffy as Luffy tends to forget or rather not care to remember what is not important to him.
He's dead.. lt's over take this opportunity to move on along with the Carrot fans..

Luffy doesn't need to see Sulong, it's a made up rule..

Yeah the sacrificial death of a friend is important to Luffy..:bignews:
Don't worry. Oda purposefully left her last panel on wano ambiguous and cliffhangerish. I don't think he would have done that if she wasn't going to get any focus at all later. So we will get some closure at least. Whether that will be in the form of her accepting the Queenship and going back to zou or sneaking into the crew or maybe even something else completely different, is left to be seen. A Chekhov's gun must fire once it's loaded after all.
Acepting Queenship is a horrible choice but making the Nox pirates 2.0 like someone said sounds 30x times worse.

Both of them puts her in a position of leadership, and as a Queen as people mentioned she's a complete figurehead not a political leader and not the strongest ( even brought up by Shishilian and Wanda). And as some weird pirate captain that is even worse.

Like who would be her crew? The monkey? A bunch of random Minks? And she would still be a 15 year leading a ship, it makes no sense. Plus where would she go? Pedro wanted to help the new Joyboy basically to get the RP. What is Carrot going to do? Sail around aimlessy? Independetly try to find a RP? Might aswell have joined at that point.

I don't think we've ever seen a character that is more the oposite of a leader, she was following Chopper.

My "fear" is that her joining with Yamato and Vivi or whatever, it's just going to be a sort of Onigashima panel where in the last like 120 chapters of the manga the SHs are finally complete for the final battles. A sort of Jimbei situation.

Which sucks because ultimately people don't want official SHs they kinda want crew interaction not a sorta of end of the game achiv.
One thing is for sure, there will be no kids in the crew.
What makes you say that?
Didn't Gol D. Roger have kids on his crew?
Didn't White Beard have kids on his crew?
Doesn't Kidd have a kid on his crew?
Didn't the strawhat travel through most of the new world with kid momo on their ship?
The strawhats are more like a family than a real pirate crew, having a kid join as the last member completes that dynamic. Tama's role as pirate apprentice also helps to stablish the strawhats as veterans.
These two reasons alone make Tama a better fit for the strawhats than any of your fanservise waifus of the arc.
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What makes you say that?
Didn't Gol D. Roger have kids on his crew?
Didn't White Beard have kids on his crew?
Doesn't Kidd have a kid on his crew?
Didn't the strawhat travel through most of the new world with kid momo on their ship?
The strawhats are more like a family than a real pirate crew, having a kid join as the last member completes that dynamic. Tama's role as pirate apprentice also helps to stablish the strawhats as veterans.
These two reasons alone make Tama a better fit for the strawhats than any of your fanservise waifus of the arc.
Luffy is no Roger or Whitebeard though. It would make more sense to compare Luffy with Shanks and he did not want to take kids with him. The world is much more dangerous now.

Do you even understand what future enemies will look like? How crazy strong they will be? Wth can Tama do against such enemies? Do you think Oda will Show us a little girl getting beaten? Put your bias aside and be honest
Luffy is no Roger or Whitebeard though. It would make more sense to compare Luffy with Shanks and he did not want to take kids with him. The world is much more dangerous now.
Why would it make more sense to compare Luffy with Shanks? Luffy gets compared with Roger, not Shanks, all the time. They even share the same secret dream. Shanks denied Luffy when he asked to join while Luffy accepted Tama. Luffy said he would surpass Shanks, not be like him.
Arguing that Shanks is a better parallel to Luffy than Roger is not only laughable, it's some hyper strong copium and something I only ever see brought up by deniers of Tama

Do you even understand what future enemies will look like? How crazy strong they will be? Wth can Tama do against such enemies? Do you think Oda will Show us a little girl getting beaten? Put your bias aside and be honest
Again Tama already took part in a war against two emperors at the same time and did more than both Yamato and Carrot combined. Put your bias aside and read the manga. Last week's episode alone showed Tama getting beaten up by hybrid Ulti and there was lot more blood in the source material.:giogio: