Who will be the next SH?

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That's assuming Pedro actually died and is resurrected like Brook instead of being in a vulnerable or near death state which multiple Strawhats have already experienced.

Besides we know Luffy respects Pedro and Pedro rode on the Sunny freely. Sharing some traits with some Strawhats isn't automatic disqualification as long as the character has strong unique physical and character features.

Pedro is unique among Strawhats having spots, a prehensile tail, dynamite, and Electro. Pedro has a eye scar on his left side similar to Luffy, Zoro, and Jinbe. Pedro uses a sword like Zoro and Brook. Gets hot under his fur like Chopper. Smokes like Sanji. Etc...

Don't focus too much on using similarities as disqualifiers but rather as potential bonders with the other crew members.

It doesn't sit well with me that there are some Minks we did not see their Sulong forms (Pedro, Pekoms, Bepo, Faust). It seems like a waste especially Bepo being in Wano or Faust not being in Wano. Oda disservicing Pedro, the reason Luffy and half of the crew had even a chance to escape WCI, by not showing the audience this hyped form would not make sense. And Pekoms is the ONLY Mink we know that has a Devil Fruit power! Pekoms has yet to display his DF power and Sulong together. Oda is planning to bring back the Minks which I believe is in the Vegapunk arc.

So Pedro should be on the list.
Literally the only way Pedro is capable of coming back in this story, is if Moria/Blackbeard resurrect him as a zombie. Which, IMO, would be interesting, but is not what you're suggesting.

I'm down for Carrot to fight Zombie Pedro, though. First she needs an upgrade, though. I hope Carrot gets one of the most overpowered Fruits, like the Barrel Barrel no Mi.
Fist looks pretty red to me.

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Literally the only way Pedro is capable of coming back in this story, is if Moria/Blackbeard resurrect him as a zombie. Which, IMO, would be interesting, but is not what you're suggesting.

I'm down for Carrot to fight Zombie Pedro, though. First she needs an upgrade, though. I hope Carrot gets one of the most overpowered Fruits, like the Barrel Barrel no Mi.
How would Moria turn Pedro into a zombie? There’s not much of Pedro left after that explosion. :milaugh:
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Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Just put Pedro as an option. None of the people on the list are really better options.
  • Vivi - unofficial Strawhat 5.5; Oda didn't originally plan for Vivi to be a princess; diplomat is not a pirate position represented in One Piece
  • Smoker - not quitting the Marines to be Luffy's "X Drake" just because he has logia powers; what is his crew position?
  • Caribou - Terrible person who "turned" good; not joining just because logia powers; Luffy doesn't view a person the Strawhats trapped in barrel as a crewmate; what is his crew position?
  • Hancock - Neither Sanji nor Brook could handle her riding the Sunny; Luffy and Nami are more likely to marry then Luffy with Hancock; her power is too broken for the crew especially against men; what is her crew position?
  • Jewelry Bonney - Made her up with the other supernovas in 3 hours; Luffy and Bonney would eat too much food combined; what is her crew position?
  • Bellamy - Not on crewmate status but rather an unofficial Grand Fleet member; Flag maker is not an essential position
  • Sabo - Ace didn't join. Sabo is not joining
  • Raizo - Luffy would invite a ninja but if he didn't invite Raizo before they left Wano so it's likely the joke appearance is not what Oda wants for the crew
It's not cope. It's hope.
Starting to wonder why some people can't tell that Raizo is a joke option

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Makes as much sense as Boney/Smoker/sabo/bellamy/Caribou.

In fact i don't think i can design a more perfect Grand fleet fodder character than Bellamy
Tbf Sabo and Bellamy really shouldn't be up there either.
Sabo was added spontaneously cause I asked to do it during the making of this thread, and he surprisingly has some followers. Bellamy is a more popular choice than you think.

Raizo however, or LORD Raizo OF THE SCROLLS, doesn't scream joke. Even Caribou is a joke option.
Just put Pedro as an option. None of the people on the list are really better options.
  • Vivi - unofficial Strawhat 5.5; Oda didn't originally plan for Vivi to be a princess; diplomat is not a pirate position represented in One Piece
  • Smoker - not quitting the Marines to be Luffy's "X Drake" just because he has logia powers; what is his crew position?
  • Caribou - Terrible person who "turned" good; not joining just because logia powers; Luffy doesn't view a person the Strawhats trapped in barrel as a crewmate; what is his crew position?
  • Hancock - Neither Sanji nor Brook could handle her riding the Sunny; Luffy and Nami are more likely to marry then Luffy with Hancock; her power is too broken for the crew especially against men; what is her crew position?
  • Jewelry Bonney - Made her up with the other supernovas in 3 hours; Luffy and Bonney would eat too much food combined; what is her crew position?
  • Bellamy - Not on crewmate status but rather an unofficial Grand Fleet member; Flag maker is not an essential position
  • Sabo - Ace didn't join. Sabo is not joining
  • Raizo - Luffy would invite a ninja but if he didn't invite Raizo before they left Wano so it's likely the joke appearance is not what Oda wants for the crew
It's not cope. It's hope.
Dude Pedro is dead.. Perospero lost an arm in that explosion and he also had his Candy armor..
Time to let go of Pedro like Carrot it's over..

Sabo was added spontaneously cause I asked to do it during the making of this thread, and he surprisingly has some followers. Bellamy is a more popular choice than you think.
Then why there is only 1 vote for Sabo..
Fist looks pretty red to me.

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How would Moria turn Pedro into a zombie? There’s not much of Pedro left after that explosion. :milaugh:
It's One Piece. Pell is ALIVE. I think Pedro's dead, but it's possible his corpse is somewhere on Whole Cake, and I have Blackbeard attacking Whole Cake for their Road Ponyglyph, and to steal Katakuri and Oven's shadows to make Whitebeard and Ace into zombies.

I'm totally not reading Thriller Bark right now, nope. Actually really like Thriller Bark the second time through.
Also we should put Ace as an option as well. We actually don’t have any proof that Ace actually died in Marineford. The hole in his chest is just a red herring and a red fist.
That's funny. Afterall, I mean One Piece doesn't have a history of "killing" characters only for them to actually haven't died, right? I don't have to name the characters. You know who they are.
Starting to wonder why some people can't tell that Raizo is a joke option
Sabo was added spontaneously cause I asked to do it during the making of this thread, and he surprisingly has some followers. Bellamy is a more popular choice than you think.

Raizo however, or LORD Raizo OF THE SCROLLS, doesn't scream joke. Even Caribou is a joke option.
So you're wasting spots on the list for "joke" characters? The list is useless then since it isn't as accurate as it could be in terms of how people actually feel. Multiple choices is a joke too as the likihood more than 1 more Strawhat joins is highly unlikely. I don't believe a new character will join after they find the last Lode Ponegliff as then Laugh Tale is right around the corner. It would be hitching a ride for a completely new character so only other characters would be someone Luffy already knows AND who contributed directly in helping Luffy become the Pirate King. Pedro fits that depending on his status.

Pedro was essential to them getting their 2nd and 3rd Lode Ponegliffs. Pedro provided information and distraction for Brook. Pedro sacrificed himself for Luffy and half the crew to escape to live for the opportunity of defeating Kaido. Pedro asked Luffy what he planned on doing after defeating Kaido which Luffy had no clue of thinking that far ahead. But Pedro had. That leaves a chance that Pedro thought how he could help Luffy with the last Ponegliff. How Pedro either faked his death or protected himself similar to Candy Armor I don't know. But there was no body. Hence hope.

All the characters on the list are jokes. There isn't any good reasoning Oda would make them crewmates IMO.
Dude Pedro is dead.. Perospero lost an arm in that explosion and he also had his Candy armor..
Time to let go of Pedro like Carrot it's over..

Then why there is only 1 vote for Sabo..
No. Sulong Pedro and the other 3 transformstions must happen. IIRC Luffy didn't see Sulong in Wano and it would be a crime in writing for Luffy not to react to the transformation. I'll keep rolling the dice on Pedro being in this Germa cover story or the next cover story. All Strawhats besides Luffy have been in cover stories, FYI. It could mean something.

For me it's either Pedro as the Shipguard or a new character that is integral to getting a copy of the last Lode Ponegliff who has a clear crew position.
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Can someone add the barrel as a poll option? I'd say it's more plausible than pedro at this point :arnoling:
What is the point of the poll then? To be funny?
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