Sakura >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
You have the specify:
Sakura is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>than other characters in:
A)Being useless
B)Being a cunt
C)Being a vapid bitch
D)Being a orphan hater
E) Being a surrogate mom
F)Being a waste of space
G)Being more useful as a doll for a filler character than for her own merits
H)Being the best example in modern media about how NOT to written a character.
I) Being used as a example of being useless in the final battle of her own series.
Always remember that Kishi planned ending for her was just to take care of the daughter of Karin+Sasuke and he had to give up because her ''fans'' suck just as much as her.
You have the specify:
Sakura is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>than other characters in:
A)Being useless
B)Being a cunt
C)Being a vapid bitch
D)Being a orphan hater
E) Being a surrogate mom
F)Being a waste of space
G)Being more useful as a doll for a filler character than for her own merits
H)Being the best example in modern media about how NOT to written a character.
I) Being used as a example of being useless in the final battle of her own series.
Always remember that Kishi planned ending for her was just to take care of the daughter of Karin+Sasuke and he had to give up because her ''fans'' suck just as much as her.
Like for the dedication but you're wrong