Don't really care about Zoro but tashigi is one of my favorite characters. but Bonney is one of my favorite of the worst generation. Personally I would prefer Zoro go train than interact with either lady.
Both are interesting. Bonney was already my fav Supernova from the start(Even oda established her importance early too unlike others who are just there), I also feel they will have good compatibility. Tashigi + Zoro has always been something to look forward when talking about Zoro's interaction.
I mean in the end. Only Tashigi's interaction feel a bit genuine for zoro I would say. What I mean is, as an author oda does terrible with interactions between characters...literally nothing or just same reactions(dialouges)/jokes all the time. But with Tashigi, we can see interactions feel progressing(they are still shit though).
Not their problem. They don't owe him anything.
OT: I think Zoro will interact more with Tashigi because Bonney is most likely for Luffy like we've seen more of Law/Luffy, Kidd/Luffy.
We'll probably see a gag where Zoro and Bonney recognize each other and Sanji being jealous as usual.
Seeing Tashigi's reaction to Zoro having Enma will be delightful. Also if Vegepunk know anything how to forge a black blade, perhaps Tashigi & Zoro will work together to make one.
I think she remembers. She emphasized that she is Worst Generation member to Luffy, which means she holds this title importantly and must know everyone in it.
Besides, she recognizes Jinbe and even knows his title as Knight of the Sea, which means she keeps track of important/big enough names.
Also, Bonney knows Luffy's status as Yonko, which means the news about his crew must be important enough for her to remember. Very few characters have over 1 billion bounties too.
Obv interacting with Bonney again would be interesting cause she’s a fun character, but Tashigi is a special case. I’ve always been intrigued by their dynamic enhanced by Zoro being reminded of the past and feeling unnerved. He becomes rather interesting to observe when he’s around her and vice versa. It’s a peculiar, often hilarious kind of tension. Need more of it and now is a good opportunity for that.
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