What’s wrong, you deflect and hate being bombarded by Law feats and portrayals cuz I got a ship full of them unlike your tiny boat of Zoro ones.
I don’t care for excuses, end of the day Law tag-teamed and beat a Yonko and displayed one of the most destructive feats in the manga in the process. He is out here casually parrying mountain throws. That is orders of magnitude more than what Zoro has accomplished, that water vortex isn’t going to cut it.
I don’t care for excuses, end of the day Law tag-teamed and beat a Yonko and displayed one of the most destructive feats in the manga in the process. He is out here casually parrying mountain throws. That is orders of magnitude more than what Zoro has accomplished, that water vortex isn’t going to cut it.

You are not capable of holding a conversation with reasonable takes if you seriously believe that 3B shared between Luffy, Law and Kidd makes them equal.
@TheStickUpMyA Better?