LMAO 🤣, surgeon of death fans eating good. As a law fan i expected Blackbeard to mid diff him, but it's looking more like a high diff. We all know he ain't gonna win but putting luffy's final villain in this state and making Blackbeard crew asking him to retreat while kuzan is there, man no top tier can trash him without firstly eating shit, guess he is a top tier:cheers:
They said he can't land awakening in 1 on 1, does it to luffy final villan
They said his haki is trash because he was struggling going back to his original form, then u have luffy with CoC turning into an old fucking man because of Bonney
They said Zoro will low diff him, and yet he his fighting the captain of the guy that will bring Zoro to extreme diff
GREATNESS of the 3Billion berry man