Anime & Manga ZKK or not ZKK? Bet your account

ZKK or not ZKK?

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your daily reminder of Luffy killing kaido. Put it as a wallpaper on your home.

No. He did that countless of times.
which lead to the ultimate brain trauma and died on the time of contact. as we can see he is bleeding from nose, mouth and everywhere.

You want me to show you a panel of his intention of defeating Big Mom?|
you were only telling that luffy had no intention of fighting kaido, to which i showed you the panel that disproves your claim.

Just like Roger couldnt defeat Rocks alone, Luffy couldnt defeat Kaido alone either. Both should have left the job to Zoro since he is the one obsessed with strength and automatically targets anyone with World's Strongest title. Drunkard vs drunkard, hungry boy vs hungry mom.
At least he defeated the strongest pirate at that time with Garp the hero. This once again refutes your claim about roger not defeating any strong pirate. And would you count Garp as of any use to roger, as you have always blabbered about him being a big FRAUD.
your daily reminder of Luffy killing kaido. Put it as a wallpaper on your home.

which lead to the ultimate brain trauma and died on the time of contact. as we can see he is bleeding from nose, mouth and everywhere.

you were only telling that luffy had no intention of fighting kaido, to which i showed you the panel that disproves your claim.

At least he defeated the strongest pirate at that time with Garp the hero. This once again refutes your claim about roger not defeating any strong pirate. And would you count Garp as of any use to roger, as you have always blabbered about him being a big FRAUD.
What’s the greatest “proof” or hint for ZKK, now I really want to know lol
What’s the greatest “proof” or hint for ZKK, now I really want to know lol
According to him : the proof that he presents to his fellow zkk clans
1. Bowl imprinted with dragons
2. Some manga covers with dragons and strawhats along with it
3. Zoro returning samurai's glory
4. Death stare between zoro and kaido etc etc

His actual reasoning is :-
1. Nobody can kill kaido except zoro
2. Zoro has sword and so he can behead anyone in a single swing
3. Blind hate towards luffy and his achievements.


Kitetsu Wanker
So basically an army of ZKK screams like babies and spam their shit for years on end pestering the community, even suggesting account bets, lol, but the then when it doesn’t pan out you are ok with your swordsmen buddies going back on their promises @nik87

For all this talk about samurai, you are the biggest bunch of saddest pussies lol
You seem to be interested a bit too much in romantic life and whatnot of the people you apparently don't care about... :sanmoji:
your daily reminder of Luffy killing kaido. Put it as a wallpaper on your home.
Daily delusion because Luffy didnt kill Kaido.
which lead to the ultimate brain trauma and died on the time of contact. as we can see he is bleeding from nose, mouth and everywhere.
More delusions.
you were only telling that luffy had no intention of fighting kaido, to which i showed you the panel that disproves your claim
I was telling you that Luffy had no business in Wano. Get your facts straight.

At least he defeated the strongest pirate at that time with Garp the hero. This once again refutes your claim about roger not defeating any strong pirate. And would you count Garp as of any use to roger, as you have always blabbered about him being a big FRAUD.
More delusions. I dont intend to thrive in off-paneled stuff like you. :goyea:
You seem to be interested a bit too much in romantic life and whatnot of the people you apparently don't care about... :sanmoji:
You’ve been annoying, given me weird, indirect answers, wanna be some wise guy mfer on the internet lol.

Yes you sure must be fulfilled in your life to act this way lol.

Sure that is quite annoying, but what’s disturbing about that in this situation, is the topic is some dozens of people has been pushing for an agenda and account deletions against people, and now they go back on their words like pussies, and you don’t have a problem with that. That’s some real slimeball shit

Ironically this is the team that is all about samurai. Can’t really get my head around that one.

Formerly Seth

What’s disturbing about all of this, is the topic is some dozens of people has been pushing for an agenda and account deletions against people, and now they go back on their words like pussies, and you don’t have a problem with that. That’s some real slimeball shit
It's just a manga and an online forum.

Do you seriously take some irl pleasure from randoms on an irrelevant online forum talking shit about this or that?

People who are mad over randoms not deleting accounts over a manga bet are funniest shit ever probably.


Kitetsu Wanker
You’ve been annoying, given me weird, indirect answers, wanna be some wise guy mfer on the internet lol.

Yes you sure must be fulfilled in your life to act this way lol.

Sure that is quite annoying, but what’s disturbing about that in this situation, is the topic is some dozens of people has been pushing for an agenda and account deletions against people, and now they go back on their words like pussies, and you don’t have a problem with that. That’s some real slimeball shit

Ironically this is the team that is all about samurai. Can’t really get my head around that one.
Apparently, you dont care but simply cant get enough of me while you can always not reply to me... :sanmoji:
Daily delusion because Luffy didnt kill Kaido.
Sorry but you are the delusional one. I have shown the evidence, but you cannot.

I was telling you that Luffy had no business in Wano. Get your facts straight.
These are your exact words:
"There was absolute no need for Luffy because it wasnt neither his plan nor is he able to kill Kaido."
I just showed you luffys plan.

More delusions. I dont intend to thrive in off-paneled stuff like you.
Well you dont believe the manga evidence, nor stay true with your words. What can be said about that.


Kitetsu Wanker
Sorry but you are the delusional one. I have shown the evidence, but you cannot.
Then you dont know what evidence is.

These are your exact words:
"There was absolute no need for Luffy because it wasnt neither his plan nor is he able to kill Kaido."
I just showed you luffys plan.
I told you it was Law's plan from the beginning, it was never Luffy's plan.
Luffy's wish to beat Kaido is as important as his wish to beat Big Mom.

Well you dont believe the manga evidence, nor stay true with your words. What can be said about that.
When you have anything specific about God Valley on panel, instead of guessing, we can proceed.
Then you dont know what evidence is.
So you cant counter my evidence. Thats great.
We need evidences my lord, talking big wont take you far.

I told you it was Law's plan from the beginning, it was never Luffy's plan.
Luffy's wish to beat Kaido is as important as his wish to beat Big Mom.

Law plan from the beginning was to either kill doflamingo himself or make doflamingo killed by enraged kaido.
Kaido is a bigger fish, of course luffy will go for him rather than big mom. History has repeated itself, the same way Roger pirates did way back.
When you have anything specific about God Valley on panel, instead of guessing, we can proceed.
You are the one refuting on panel evidences. what can i expect from this...


World's Strongest Swordsman
So you cant counter my evidence. Thats great.
We need evidences my lord, talking big wont take you far.

Law plan from the beginning was to either kill doflamingo himself or make doflamingo killed by enraged kaido.
Kaido is a bigger fish, of course luffy will go for him rather than big mom. History has repeated itself, the same way Roger pirates did way back.

You are the one refuting on panel evidences. what can i expect from this...
But he didn't beat meme
Infact he was happy for her to die to a cake.


World's Strongest Swordsman
I can feel @FriedLiver s frustation. Even though it is internet and this website is full of members just trolling around. At lease dont just blatantly lie when found to be wrong and dont refuse manga facts. Have some dignity.
By that logic zoro literally is on panel saying he came to onigashima to slice kaido into pieces

So why are you acting like it has no basis when a character is on panel proclaiming it.


Kitetsu Wanker
So you cant counter my evidence. Thats great.
We need evidences my lord, talking big wont take you far.
There is nothing to counter since there is no evidence of Kaido being dead in the first place.

Law plan from the beginning was to either kill doflamingo himself or make doflamingo killed by enraged kaido.
Kaido is a bigger fish, of course luffy will go for him rather than big mom. History has repeated itself, the same way Roger pirates did way back.
It is Law's plan and that panel doesnt debunk that.
Only shows that Luffy's wish to defeat a particular Emperor means nothing since BM is out and not by Luffy's hands.
She came to Wano bcs of Luffy and the guy who made the plan to take Kaido down had to take her out instead of Luffy...

You are the one refuting on panel evidences. what can i expect from this...
I expected some specific God Valley evidence about who exactly took Rocks out and you got nothing. :goyea: