As I said, equity. The line is drawn when they start to expect more than anyone else is getting. The line is drawn when it becomes about having better opportunities than man, not just equal opportunity
Equality itself is a non achievable goal
there will always be discrimination as long as choice itself exists
It's not equality that people who are richer generally have better access to education,employment and legal protection now would it be but that's a result of them having higher societal status same goes with women vs men. It's why assault cases regarding male victims are ignored where female ones are generally not
Even in dating, Men generally will not date fat women and that has been a complaint of femminists
that it's discriminating as your giving one person a chance but not another which while true can also apply to dating preferences of women
so long people with opinions and different values exist so will discrimination and therefore inequality
. The way more important goals of feminism is to make us women finally get equal payment and equal rights to live our lives as free as men
Equal pay has been done and women are more free then men having more economic opportunities due to being seen as weak and opressered where men arent seen as needing help being previliged and strong. Is that a accurate characterization not really but when it's how society sees it certainly does matter when regarding economic opportunities
What political beliefs? This is why you right wing cry babies always amaze me lo
I litterally said, you people would cry alt righters before you even do it
I said these guys would go but muh alt righters yesterday and the dude literally fucking acted exactly like how my characterization of his group portrayed
so predictable
''What poltitical beliefs'' Then calls me an alt righter
clearly is a leftist or just opposes right wingers meaning he has a poltitical belief. what a fucking idiot
an author clearly sexualizes high school chicks in manners such as this:
and you media leftists loved cuties
which had actual chidren sexualised
So im not taking your shit seriously