My Problem with femminist media types

from someone clearly articulating why something you enjoy is problematic? Lol
It's ironic you call shit you dont like problematic cause it's from a different culture with different values to your western femminist values
As you same people promote diversity and cultural ideas but you have zero tolerance for what other cultures may have or accept as fine

again you guys have no point, it's all just ideology
Judging mha from your western poltitical beliefs is stupid as was made in japan without regard for your beliefs. It would be like me crying over a show not having anarchy as a theme not every show needs to reflect the poltitical side which you support

No, I have actually given my position on abortion and it's pro choice
not going to delve into the matter much man as the thread has nothing to do with that

but im not a dogmatic right winger who supports everything right wing cause it's what tucker carlson said though you seem to be the same type of person just for the left anyway stick to the topic instead of projecting
Everyone is oversexualised in media. Women just find it more threatening, Men usually hit the grind if they are too butthurt someone looks more swole.

It's legit, women care about how others perceive them whereas men care about how they see themselves more. Not wrong, just different
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That being said, cancel culture is the real issue here. You've a right to be offended but to take away from others to satisfy the small group complaining is literally pathetic
Everyone is oversexualised in media. Women just find it more threatening, Men usually hit the grind if they are too butthurt someone looks more swole.

It's legit, women care about how others perceive them whereas men care about how they see themselves more. Not wrong, just different

they only hate it when anime or games do it, ie things men enjoy

Remember cuties on netflix, they supported that when men opposed it for sexualization except there it was for a actual reason. it was being done to real children

but because femminist are agasint men regardless of the damn context they supported the trash fire

It's only about opposing what men like, if it was about sexalization on principle then we would of seen the femminist and right wingers align on hating this flim
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Gotta say love how leftists will cry about lolis cause it's oversexalizastion

then will support support child drag shows, it's only okay if it's a real kid ig (What utter lunacy society has come too)

Anyone who says they cried about rebbeca cause it's a loli is literally lying to themselves
they only hate it when anime or games do it, ie things men enjoy

Remember cuties on netflix, they supported that when men opposed it for sexualization except there it was for a actual reason. it was being done to real children

but because femminist are agasint men regardless of the damn context they supported the trash fire

It's only about opposing what men like, if it was about sexalization on principle then we would of seen the femminist and right wingers align on hating this flim
Feminism in it's pure form is a good goal. Pure feminism is really equity in disguise. Modern feminism is a bit more extreme.

Wouldn't be surprised if 90% of 1800's-1900's feminist are rolling in their graves seeing the extremism it's taken on in the last 20 years.

Completely agree that modern feminism isn't about feminism it's more of an anti-male agenda
Feminism in it's pure form is a good goal.

on what perspective
giving them the right to vote? The right to abort kids?

Where does the line of where it's good start and where does the bad start?

I tend to go more on a case by case basis as if we view right wingers and left wingers as a collective judgment then their pretty much tribal morons which can easily be dismissed for being retarded
on what perspective
giving them the right to vote? The right to abort kids?

Where does the line of where it's good start and where does the bad start?

I tend to go more on a case by case basis as if we view right wingers and left wingers as a collective judgment then their pretty much tribal morons which can easily be dismissed for being retarded
As I said, equity. The line is drawn when they start to expect more than anyone else is getting. The line is drawn when it becomes about having better opportunities than man, not just equal opportunity

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
It's ironic you call shit you dont like problematic
I love MHA lol. What are you even saying? You can love a series while also acknowledging that the author draws gratuitous tits/ass shots to keep males interested while rarely/never sexualizing men in the same way.

Judging mha from your western poltitical beliefs
What political beliefs? This is why you right wing cry babies always amaze me lol, an author clearly sexualizes high school chicks in manners such as this:

And you cry “politics” when people point it out lmfao.


Too much fanservice can be annoying and cringe sometimes although I have to admit that those scenes in animes rarely got me offended. That Scooby Doo stuff Bob posted is ridiculous, neither Daphne nor Velma were oversexualized. The way more important goals of feminism is to make us women finally get equal payment and equal rights to live our lives as free as men, especially in countries like Iran and other ones where women are still not having nearly as much rights as men!

But as Krusher said some of those who call themselves feminists nowadays are only pushing cancel culture and by doing so they reaching the opposite of acceptance. I mean, gender speech is nothing but annoying and around 90 % (if not more) of us german citizens don´t accept garbage like that. It does not help anything, it´s not making any things better, it´s useless. Some feminists are taking things to such an extreme that they are looking down on men in general, that´s not how equality works.
I am sick of seeing female characters being sexualized. If your manga needs fanservice to keep it entertaining, then your manga is shit. Like look at this Egghead arc nothing but half naked women. Even female animals and robots aren't immune. That is pathetic. One Piece fanservice has become worse and worse which directly correlates with how worse the writing is getting. That isn't a coincidence.
Oda should switch to hentai at this point, sideboobs literally carry his garbage writing and the horny fandom can’t stop consuming these figurines or whatever
As I said, equity. The line is drawn when they start to expect more than anyone else is getting. The line is drawn when it becomes about having better opportunities than man, not just equal opportunity

Equality itself is a non achievable goal
there will always be discrimination as long as choice itself exists

It's not equality that people who are richer generally have better access to education,employment and legal protection now would it be but that's a result of them having higher societal status same goes with women vs men. It's why assault cases regarding male victims are ignored where female ones are generally not

Even in dating, Men generally will not date fat women and that has been a complaint of femminists
that it's discriminating as your giving one person a chance but not another which while true can also apply to dating preferences of women

so long people with opinions and different values exist so will discrimination and therefore inequality

. The way more important goals of feminism is to make us women finally get equal payment and equal rights to live our lives as free as men
Equal pay has been done and women are more free then men having more economic opportunities due to being seen as weak and opressered where men arent seen as needing help being previliged and strong. Is that a accurate characterization not really but when it's how society sees it certainly does matter when regarding economic opportunities

What political beliefs? This is why you right wing cry babies always amaze me lo

I litterally said, you people would cry alt righters before you even do it

I said these guys would go but muh alt righters yesterday and the dude literally fucking acted exactly like how my characterization of his group portrayed
so predictable

''What poltitical beliefs'' Then calls me an alt righter
clearly is a leftist or just opposes right wingers meaning he has a poltitical belief. what a fucking idiot

an author clearly sexualizes high school chicks in manners such as this:

and you media leftists loved cuties
which had actual chidren sexualised

So im not taking your shit seriously

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
I litterally said, you people would cry alt righters before you even do it
I didn’t call you an alt righter, I called you right wing and there is a difference. But hey, you couldn’t pick up on that chick in the video clearly explaining which sexualization she was okay with and which sexualization was problematic, so joke is on me for expecting you to have the ability to distinguish between nuances amirite? Lol

and you media leftists loved cuties
which had actual chidren sexualised

So im not taking your shit seriously
Of the two of us, which one is pointing out that an anime sexualizes high school children, and which one is bitching about that fact?

You may want to check your own rhetoric before you accuse me of sexualizing children as you defend an anime sexualizing children. Lmfao
I like wamen. They're alright :endthis:
dont see what that has to do with anything

there are also women who arent man hating femminists so what's your point, you think there arent conserrvative women

There are ton of right wing women who oppose femminism, Stop parroting this idiotic argument as if the poltitical movement of femminism = women the gender cause it does not and no amount of repetition of this point will change that fact unless your saying right wing women arent women which would mean you just think gender = potititical beliefs which would make just make you sound more idiotic then you already presented yourself as

IG these must not be women afterall they arent femminists

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Bruh Japanese oversexualize kids - Loli

Highschool girls for them is walk in the park

But hey, some people desp need that injection of youngest possible yet legal as possible to satisfy their needs.

If they did that shit IRL i can gurantee you some father of the girl would knock their lights out
Love how all women must be leftists is a talking point from the anti sexist side of politics, lol
All women are leftist is a alt right talking point which liberals are now adopting

horse shoe theory is right yet again

I didn’t call you an alt righter, I called you right wing
same difference
instead of being dishonest maybe you could admit to being wrong cause ive accurately characterized your group and you acted exactly how was portrayed of you

You may want to check your own rhetoric before you accuse me of sexualizing children as you defend an anime sexualizing children. Lmfao
It's a drawing man
and even then so

I seen you types support drag shows involving real kids so dont come at me with that shit about sexualizing children. you self righteous hypocrite

Also you same media leftists supported the cartoon owl house cause it had lesbian kids kissing so wouldt be talking about animation with sexualization cause you like it just as much as your opposition only when it supports your politics though