My Problem with femminist media types

same as people who think "all men are pigs/sexists/rapists/shit"....very DANGEROUS, CANCEROUS, TOXIC, FILTH...
If you are referring to the quote "men are trash" , I've explained that plainly here:

There are no such things as groups of feminist who cares about superiority of women. Those are individuals only and are maybe representing 0.000000000001 % of the feminism movement you are describing, I think I can count the member who shares those ideas I encountered in my life on my hand and I'm circling in pretty radical groups.

That idea is a sexist bias coming from incel like groups of people on the far right of the political spectrum and shared back by confusionnist from right to left because ...well... It's hard to look at yourself and think.. Are those feminist RIGHT ? Am I really the problem ??

"NOOOoooooooooo.... Surefuly not.... I can't be the problem. I've been good all my life... I'm not sexist, I know women.... I have no racist or sexist bias... i'm good to women"

I'm NOT a monster. Those """""feminist""""" are wrong.

Well.. I'm sure this is 99% of the opinion of this forum. (I'll would bet my account on it (lol) )

Thing is..

You are and I'M.

Not a monster of course. No, just someone born in a sexist society. And those EXTREMIST FEMINISTS you guys are denouncing here, are just trying to convince you of that. And trying (for their sake and their live) to make you understand that .. yes. ALL MEN (and some women too) in the world HAVE sexist bias. That sexism is the result of HUNDREDS of years of destruction of the role of women in society, starting with sedenterization up until now. So.. Weither you like it or not. That fact is not something you can control but the REST and what you do with that fact IS.

And those EXTREMIST FEMINISTS you guys are denouncing here are .. yes.. ANGRY. And logically. Plus, those EXTREMIST FEMINISTS you guys are denouncing here are backed up by numbers, science and FACTS..


There is an army of racist and bigot sexist lead by an orange pumpkin who is coming for THEM and THEIR LIVES and what do the average centrist says ?

"SJW are just leftist sexists"

So yeah.. those EXTREMIST FEMINISTS you guys are denouncing here are ANGRY and are sometime using generalities.

So.. When they say "ALL MEN ARE TRASH" it doesn't mean you are. It means that their is a SYSTEMIC ISSUE called patriarchy and that ALL MEN (and women) are living under that damocles and so are most likely to become problematic.

When, women say "all men are trash" do I feel ofended as a men ? No. I've learned how to understand those problems and fight my own sexist bias (and oh boi, I had a lot). By LEARNING to do this, I've pulled myself away from ever seeing me as "trash". So this word "theorically" DON'T APPLY to me.

Do you understand this principle or not ?

Stop being offended when a women or a political influencer blocks you on twitter, you most likely did something problematic without being aware of it.


Women don't have more rights than men.


Their is still no equality between men and women.


The society is sexist and you can ALL do something about it.


EVEN ONE PIECE has sexist aspect starting with the representation of women and men.

Spoiler: The representation of men as muscular is not based on what women want to see, it's based on what MEN want to become.

And yes it can.

A show can be bad SOLELY because of the value propagated in it.






So, a story based on poor value WILL be bad. There is a reason you don't see FULL ON racist shows. It's not because Hollywood has all the market. It's because those show CAN'T BE SELLED. Those type of shows are not accepted in our occidental society. Why ? because weither you like it or not, our society is evolving, and what was acceptable yersteday (sexism / Racism) is not acceptable today.

The problem is ... this is not a deterministic evolution.. It can go both way. And by creating those type of thread.. Well, you are making our society go back.


I'll look closely at the replies on this post, the next will be ressources to understand the problem.
If you are referring to the quote "men are trash" , I've explained that plainly here:
this does not excuse toxic behaviour of extreme feminist much people ostrasized Jonny Depp before the truth came out...Men are guilty until innocent and Women are innocent until guity...
I was talking about why the so-called incels are misogynistic and dangerous.
The reason is the hatred of woman propagaded by a small frange of people and multiplied by the ambiant sexism present in society.

this does not excuse toxic behaviour of extreme feminist groups...
What toxic behavior. I circle around radical groups and I don't see toxic behaviours.

how much people ostrasized Jonny Depp before the truth came out...Men are guilty until innocent and Women are innocent until guity...
That's not how feminism works and Johnny Depp is still guilty.