The entry of Onigashima is superb
Oda did a splendid job

God Usopp

The determination of the samurai is a bit scary. I guess some of them are really gonna die
Kinemon said that they are at 5 against 1 so the idea that the protagonist will team up they fight does not make sense. They are not enough to do so

Apoo is just there to be a DJ

I suppose that the spoiler provider thought that the Tobbi Roppo were introduce as stronger than the numbers because they were introduce on the last paste but to be fair, Queen call them before calling the numbers
If we consider that because they were introduce last it means that they are stronger so that means that they are also stronger than Big Mom crew (including Smoothie)
But logically the Numbers > The tobbi roppo

Talking of headliners, it seems that Hawkins fell into irrelevance

Tbh I think he will come back to help the alliance one way or another
Concerning the Page One/Sanji discussion, i changed my mind. Initially I thought that Sanji beat him but that he came back but with the way Oda introduce them, that does not make sense for him to have been defeat. I mean that this chapter was suppose to be the introduction of the group, having one of the members being utterly defeat wat before the introduction of the group and keeping him in the said group does not make sense narratively wise
So no, Sanji did not defeat Page One imo