Powers & Abilities Rank the Tobi Roppo/Flying Six


You can't win
This chapter proves Drake is calamity lvl, because 2nd strongest f6 is 4th yc lvl & now we know Drake is stronger than him.
Not quite. This situation is similar to the Katakuri/Perospero one when the Big Mom pirates were asking what would happen to them in case Big Mom died, but we know Big Mom is on another level.

So i won't say it proved anything as far as their closeness to calamities was concerned. All it helped to do was to imply that Drake could be the strongest with Pageone being the weakest. For Who's who, it could depend on the translation
Not quite. This situation is similar to the Katakuri/Perospero one when the Big Mom pirates were asking what would happen to them in case Big Mom died, but we know Big Mom is on another level.

So i won't say it proved anything as far as their closeness to calamities was concerned. All it helped to do was to imply that Drake could be the strongest with Pageone being the weakest. For Who's who, it could depend on the translation
Nope Drake/Who’s Who are literally nigh equal to Queen, just like how Usopp can extreme diff Zoro because he said he’s the real Vice Captain
You guys cant even see how made them seat or introduced?

Sasaki ~ Drake > black maria ~ who who > P1 ulti
If we are going by sitting, the one in the middle is always the strongest. (MF is a reference) So it is between Who Who and Black Maria

If we go by intro, Who who was shown walking in front of all the f6.

If you go by intro panel which shows their names, Who who and Black Maria are at the middle and highest then it goes down from there.

Based on all that, Who who is likely the strongest. Drake is probably the dark horse. He could likely be the strongest.

Not sure how you see Sasaki as the strongest. He was asking the other f6 to step down and even said he would be thankful. If he is the strongest, there will be no need to beg and be thankful.
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Strenght wise it gonna be either between these three:

I don´t count Black Marie duo the fact that she ask the other more then having interesting to the position.
Strenght was xDrake,Sasaki and Who´s Who(the leader probably) are the strongest flying six fighters and very close to beeing YC lvl characters.

As example I can see Sasaki beeing Snack lvl while Who´s Who is most like on Perospero lvl.
Since xDrake hasn´t any interest to the position of a calamity, Sasaki thinking probably of only Who´s Who beeing a threat.
1) Page One - Hybrid alone justifies it
2) Drake

3) Black Maria
4) Uruti
- fits annoying lil brat, design does justice to her personality.
5) Who's Who - looks legit strong but nothing too deep, quite basic.
6) Sasaki - Hody with Jinbe teeth

1) X-Drake (worstgen, plot buffs)
2) Who's Who
3) Sasaki
4) Black Maria (could be 3rd, drawn next to Who's Who in middle, intros)
5) Pageone

6) Uruti - Nami vibe in her group, loud mouth brat but actually weaker.

1) X-Drake - Worst Gen.
2) Who's Who
3) Uruti - Her personality would eat lot of dialogues and panels.
4) Sasaki
5) Pageone - Hereon in War.
6) Black Maria - Giant are background bums. Always :3 Kinda seemed most polite besides PageOne
Don't need to write up mine anymore, this is it :goyea:


Bald Spoiler Provider
Strenght wise it gonna be either between these three:

I don´t count Black Marie duo the fact that she ask the other more then having interesting to the position.
Strenght was xDrake,Sasaki and Who´s Who(the leader probably) are the strongest flying six fighters and very close to beeing YC lvl characters.

As example I can see Sasaki beeing Snack lvl while Who´s Who is most like on Perospero lvl.
Since xDrake hasn´t any interest to the position of a calamity, Sasaki thinking probably of only Who´s Who beeing a threat.
Drake is snack level who’s who is perospero or it can be flipped. I see Sasaki below both of three were to fight

drake vs who who extreme diff
Drake or who who vs Sasaki high diff
Akin to ranking who's stronger between Daifuku and Oven imo and I don't think we'll be getting a definitive answer unless we get their bounties and even then Oda might just round up their bounties to one figure like he did Oven and Daifuku. Regardless, I think they're all on the same level. Drake has a higher cap tho just coz he's a protagonist of sorts this arc.

*The Rest

Most of them have cuul designs but it's hard to compare them coz they are so different. I'd classify them like this:
Badass/Hot -> Sasaki/Black Maria
Cute -> Page One/Ulti
Edgy -> Drake (similar to King's design)
Simple -> Who's Who
Design's that stand out to me the most are Sasaki and Black Maria's but also really like P1 and Ulti's designs. If I had to rank them tho then:
1. Sasaki
2. Ulti/Black Maria
4. Page One
5. Drake
6. Who's Who
Black Maria
Page One
Ulti- her mask looks weird on her mouth
Who's who- he would be on top if not for those horns...

X Drake
Who's who
Page One- it's obvious that Sasaki only hating on P1 only because he (probably) lost to Sanji and ruined Flying 6 name. Is grouped with Drake.
Ulti - I even doubt that she is stronger than Sasaki based on how Black Maria worded as if she is picking on someone stronger and is not affraid but it would feel a little too sexist by Oda if both women were the weakest.
Sasaki- Dude was glad that Drake was pulling out and tried to do same with Page One. Dude knows people who are stronger than him.
Black Maria- she's a woman and this is Oda...
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I will never forgive Oda
Why do you have Page One at #3? He was treated like the Jack of the group:

Ulti even had to stand up for him:

Sasaki further went and called them both brats:

Based on their interactions, X-Drake, Who's Who, and Sasaki should automatically be above Page One. Ulti may even be stronger given how Sasaki referred to him. Page One caps out at #4 IMO, and that's only because past experience shows Oda doesn't handle women well.

Page One was also the first to be introduced (just like Jack), so that doesn't make things any better for him. I'm really curious what your reasons are TAC.
I have the strong feeling that Page1 is going to be a lowkey beast. His fight with RS Sanji was inconclusive, albeit he was on the losing side. Feels like he could be the Blueno of the group, pretty strong but not quite on par with the top Tobi Roppo. Just like how Blueno was strong than almost every other CP-9 revealed at Ennis Lobby.

It seems like Who's Who disrespect comes from age, not exactly power/experience, too. He lumps Ulti in with him.