You make it sound like it's natural collateral damage from the war. But plenty of countries are next to countries at war and nothing happens to them. This here is clearly Putin intentionally playing with fire since he's getting cuckold by the Ukrainians
If you have enough oil in brain ( I mean people who live nearby ) you should know to avoid coming close to the border zone, is like asking to getting picked on.
Our higher-ups bark too loud towards Russia because of EU retarded's politics but it US who are next to Russia if anything happens. Not France, not Belgium, not UK, not even Germany.
We are getting next in line if shit starts.
I expected something like this to occur a long time ago.
It's not like Russians killed our President and covered it up while Poland was ruled by leftists who are paid by Germans and Russians to not dig for truth.
It will look like an accident but once another one happens you will know this is intended.