World War 3


Formerly Seth

Non-westerners grabbing their popcorn right now, lol

I mean, imagine going on total war because two unknown Polish persons got bombed. There is some heavy moral decision to make.

At least WW1 was triggered by the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.
I blame higher-ups.

Borders with Ukraine should be marked as a heavy danger zone.

Formerly Seth

Situations like that are exact proof of why weaklings should not lead the countries.

Trading goods and making deals is okay. Don't sacrifice your fucking culture and subscribe to this retarded ideology of a peaceful world cause that will have your country wiped in the future.

The army is the most important thing in the world. Army/tech.

No fucking condolences or prayers from retards on twitter will change the cause of the war. All those fucking social media retards should get off the internet and see the reality.

I remember some retarded fucking idiots on Twitter and mind you it was in mass amount of people not just few. They were hyped because they cancelled Russian medias or closed McDonalds in Russia.

I guess Russia is done right:smoothieduck:

Formerly Seth

You make it sound like it's natural collateral damage from the war. But plenty of countries are next to countries at war and nothing happens to them. This here is clearly Putin intentionally playing with fire since he's getting cuckold by the Ukrainians

If you have enough oil in brain ( I mean people who live nearby ) you should know to avoid coming close to the border zone, is like asking to getting picked on.

Our higher-ups bark too loud towards Russia because of EU retarded's politics but it US who are next to Russia if anything happens. Not France, not Belgium, not UK, not even Germany.

We are getting next in line if shit starts.

I expected something like this to occur a long time ago.

It's not like Russians killed our President and covered it up while Poland was ruled by leftists who are paid by Germans and Russians to not dig for truth.

It will look like an accident but once another one happens you will know this is intended.
You make it sound like it's natural collateral damage from the war. But plenty of countries are next to countries at war and nothing happens to them. This here is clearly Putin intentionally playing with fire since he's getting cuckold by the Ukrainians
And even then, I wonder if he really did lose something a few days ago or if it’s a strategy to distract people and give them a false sense of security?

He isn’t as stupid as we wish he was, unfortunately. I hope Ukraine truly won back what they lost previously, but with someone like him it’s really hard to tell.
Countries don’t build or rarely military because USA have to get involved the wars like world wars, Iraq war, etc.
‘USA military is strongest in the world or used to be .

Heck Japan are building military now because USA management on wars is so bad Since Vietnam war , Iraq war , etc. George w bush Bush and Obama were infamous for doing this .

Neo-conservative is pretty much dead idea. I abandon 10 years old ago. It keep fail and failingover again.
War for oil is meme because we are fighting war for oil to increase our gas price

Trump is guy who dodge the draft and want to end the wars . Joe Biden - people view him as weak leader.

But they would buy USA military stuff or loot our military base in all over the world for own army.

It will be political chaotic in Europe due immigration, military budget .

Thrid world countries are eating popcorn

Formerly Seth

This is a game. If this was intended and 120% it was it will cause a chain of events starting with panic in Poland.

This is what Putin wants.

Fuck leftism, this is where leftism leads your country. You can't even feel safe because you never put enough $ into army.