Who will be the next SH?

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Nobody joins and yamato is cover story material at best.

Oda glorifies terrorism🤫

Dunno why Oda said Luffy wanted 10 crewmates, made 10 Titanic capitains on BB and wrote Yamato yelling she wanted to join every 2 seconds and even got an offer at the end of the arc.

Addin a new member doesn't cost him anything and it wouldn't make him look like a clown
Eh if oda can make Nami survive Ulti headbutts Vivi will just be given plot armor to do similar feats.
But Nami was already leagues above Vivi pre timeskip. Now she's legitimately really strong. She makes enel size lightning bolts. Vivi got low diffed by a few fodder in the same arc that Nami beat the partner of Zoro's opponent. Not remotely comparable.
Jinbei was still there regardless. If Pedro was alive wouldn't you think he would've been the one to finish off Perospero and not Nekomamushi. He's dead, let it go. There are no more Strawhat candidates anymore after Carrot and Yamato. Bonney maybe but I highly doubt it.
Pedro defeating Perospero does make sense narratively but I believe Oda wants the audience to believe Pedro is dead for a later payoff.

Bonney is not a candidate. None of the Supernovas outside of Luffy and Zoro are.
Wait till Pedro arrives at Germa in cover story.
One can hope. Or perhaps Pedro can get his own cover story with Pekoms and the escape of the Book Prisoners.
The fact that Oda retconned his will should be proof enough that at one point he clearly intended for Carrot to join. But it's over now.
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If Pedro comes back I'll honestly drop the story and bigger reason for me to hate Wano. I haven't even been able to really enjoy One Piece anymore and that'll just be the last straw for me. If Pedro is brought back I can already tell the Final Saga is not going to be worth reading or watching.
I believe Oda has known who will join pretimeskip. Carrot was never going to join.

You won't stop reading One Piece if Pedro is brought back. You've invested reading over 1000 chapters. You'll finish it.
You got me with the shining nakama action:kailaugh:
That guy really was the clown of all clowns:luffylaugh:
I'm sorry for comparing you to him Pedro fans, it's been so long I forgot how bad it was:mrgo:
Apology accepted.
Pedro has an existence outside of Carrot. Pedro's 1st flashback had nothing to do with Carrot. No one linked Pedro and Carrot on Zou. Pedro is his own character. Carrot however is the added baggage/package, a literal stowaway that Pedro wanted to return to Zou.

The fact that Carrot had nothing of interest after Pedro's "death" and Carrot's 1st Sulong transformation shows how unimportant Carrot's relevance to the progression of the story is. But Pedro's sacrifice was for the Strawhats and Carrot which gave the Strawhats a chance that would not have otherwise in escaping Tottoland.
Pedro has an existence outside of Carrot. Pedro's 1st flashback had nothing to do with Carrot. No one linked Pedro and Carrot on Zou. Pedro is his own character. Carrot however is the added baggage/package, a literal stowaway that Pedro wanted to return to Zou.

The fact that Carrot had nothing of interest after Pedro's "death" and Carrot's 1st Sulong transformation shows how unimportant Carrot's relevance to the progression of the story is. But Pedro's sacrifice was for the Strawhats and Carrot which gave the Strawhats a chance that would not have otherwise in escaping Tottoland.
Perfectly well explained, a bit cruel for carrot fans but well explained.
Not really well explained, at all, the entirety of Pedro's death was to give Carrot the shitty arc of going agaisnt Pero.

That's how you write things, you don't kill the character you want to advance and you don't make the death the catalyst to someone else's development. If Pedro was the main out of the 2, Carrot would die and he would "live" or neither would die.

Otohime also had a flashback of herself, but her death was to advance Shiraoshi's story and her brother and Neptune and Jinbei.

That's how Oda as been writting one piece for decades, an older parent/protector/mentor/father figure dies to advance a younger protegé. It was the same with Otohime or Saul or Pell or Igaram or Conis dad or Belvere or Fisher Tiger, even tho some don't die, it's always the same narrative
Carrot didn't have an arc in Wano. Carrot and Wanda fought Perospero but did nothing up until that point. And did nothing after their defeat.

Otohime and Fisher Tiger were the mentors in the flashback of Jinbe's explaination. Both are dead. Jinbe is a Strawhat.

Pell, Vivi's mentor, put his life on the line to protect Vivi and Alasbasta in real time. Perceived dead until he came back. Vivi is not a Strawhat.

Strawhats have not been shown to have a real time relationship with their mentors/close friends during their introductory arc/saga. It's all been flashbacks. Carrot would have been the exception but of course she wasn't as Carrot is not a Strawhat.

Carrot didn't have an arc in Wano. Carrot and Wanda fought Perospero but did nothing up until that point. And did nothing after their defeat.

Otohime and Fisher Tiger were the mentors in the flashback of Jinbe's explaination. Both are dead. Jinbe is a Strawhat.

Pell, Vivi's mentor, put his life on the line to protect Vivi and Alasbasta in real time. Perceived dead until he came back. Vivi is not a Strawhat.

Strawhats have not been shown to have a real time relationship with their mentors/close friends during their introductory arc/saga. It's all been flashbacks. Carrot would have been the exception but of course she wasn't as Carrot is not a Strawhat.

Carrot did do something in Wano. Not be dead:suresure:
