Hate watching anything, no matter what it is or how bad, is already some of the cringiest and most pathetic stuff a "person" can do, so much shit to read or watch everywhere, so many ways to use your time or even waste it so many option and some manbabies would rather purposefully seethe over some drawing they hate and pretend the anger feeling they get is good and use to replace actual good feelings of any sort because their brain chemicals are that off that they cant tell the difference between sperging and malding at something and taking any enjoyment whatsoever, some lowlife shit, its like a catty envious woman getting off shitting on something else but much worse, cause youre alone by yourself and the closest to a good feeling is pretending youre part of whatever group also dislikes something so you can cope with being lonely and having no friends
But... do that over some mango cause some streamer e-celeb was doing it, to be closer to your parasocial imaginary friend or feel like youre joining in with an "influencer", not even picking your own shit to "hate watch", thats like a combo on the loneliness and lowlife-ness of it, like digging a hole inside a hole, danm thats just sad and disgusting no matter what it was.