I already clarified that it doesn't make you a scum who needs to be Lynched as evidence isn't concrete enough
Also, you can't deny that it's Worth keeping an eye on.
Can we expand this Reborn; Why?
Let's connect this thought pattern, just for my sake.
How does my first question to NW seem like a scum strategy? Because the only reason you would have to keep track of it, would be if you thought my very first move was scummy.
Repeatedly arguing same thing won't help your cause. You want to be seen as townie then be productive.
No no, I'm trying to have a discussion with you Reborn. Don't be dismissive, especially since you and I have yet to converse on this thread in any meaningful way.
Just a vote on you so early in 48 hours day phase doesn't mean you are getting Lynched so why getting panicked?
Reborn, I'll just ask you not to call me panicked. I'm very frustrated, if you want to use the precise wording, because of how this game is going. The first post I made meant to engage the rest of the players with has been deliberately misinterpreted and used to condemn me for at least 6 or 7 pages of the discussion. And it seems that no matter how much I say how illogical, random and nonsensical it is, the main accuser doesn't budge. In fact, the guy assuming leadership roles here has him as "very" townie.
I'm not having fun, I'm trying to move past this so I can actually play the game. And the longer I'm stuck here the more frustrated I'm going to be. Again, kindly asking you, please don't confuse the two. If I were worried about the vote on me, I'd of voted Bogard back.
I don't know how I couldn't sus Bogard out of this.
Also, give me your reads on other players.
I'm working on rereading the thread per Drag's request, but my interest in spending my entire evening playing this particular Mafia game is not high. I don't have many because I spent most of my time with Bogard.
My immediate stand out thoughts were how Don seems to always rotate around discussion but never gets into it. Does this every game and makes it irritating to read him. Kiwi, up until her most recent post, was too quiet for me. Something like this (the argument) should normally push her into having a clear and concise view, or have her be more vocal. But I guess that's meta reading, so it's not entirely worth while to dwell on. Just feels like she's quiet.