Future Events Why Zoro and Sanji will face Calamities

Nice post, I agree that everything Oda has set up for Zoro and Sanji points to them facing King and Queen respectively.

Also, considering that all arcs post - TS, having been building up towards Wano, makes the arc similar to Alabasta and Ennies loby, where Zoro and Sanji had definite 1v1s.

On a similar note, Oda has also been setting up Luffy vs Kaido, and the matchup is very similar to Luffy vs Crocodile in Alabasta and Luffy vs Lucci in Ennies loby. Both match ups initially ended overwhelming defeat to Luffy, only for him to come back with a way to win:

Crocodile: Using water/blood to inflict damage.
Lucci: G2 and G3
Kaido: Advanced armament haki and physical training.

All of which makes me believe Luffy will fight Kaido 1v1, while Kid takes on Big Mom, since aside from Luffy, Law and Kid, there isn't anyone who can hold Big Mom.
Just to show a hypothetical matchup were you can see there are enough top tier monsters that can push the alliance to their limits and give us spectacular fights. Do not take the list seriously. But it should prove that there IS enough to go around.

Luffy vs. Ace
Zoro vs. King
Sanji vs. Queen
Jinbe vs Jack (I go back and forth between him and Inu/Neko)
Kid vs. Smoothie
Law vs. Perospero
X Drake vs Campote
Apoo vs. Snack
Hawkins vs. Oven
Killer vs. Daifuku
Rest of SHP + Minks +Scabbards vs. Tobi Roppo, Numbers and Orochi's guards.

Now, Luffy's crew performing similar feats to other supernova captains, we are at a point where they should be. Zoro should doing more impressive shit than Killer or Law. Sanji should be doing more impressive shit than Drake. Jinbe should definitely be trumping many people in the feat department. They are the main characters of the story. It's time to stop underestimating them like these villains do.
Luffy vs kaido with help
Luffys top 3 fighters vs calamities with help
Mid trio vs tobi roppo with help?
Weak trio vs headliners?
God, I hope not for the last three's sake. So far, all headliners except Hawkins (a member of the WG) that we've seen are utter trash. I mean, would you truly put one Headline over a New Fishman on drugs ? From what we've seen so far, they suck hard, and so do the Oniwabanshu. At this point in the story, the weak strawhats need to be able to high diff good officers, not the ridiculous Gifter whose powers are more an hindrance than anything else really.


How far goes this blind admiration by Sanji?
How the hell you guys can't see how Zoro camed back from his training as a mighty entity even larger than New World's world-shaking harshness,and Sanji as the lamest version of it?
How the hell you guys can read Zoro showing everything he is,can and does,and still calling Sanji worthy of be equal to all this,same when he have been eating dirt against everything he faced?
If at current point,you guys are really still expecting Sanji to stand next to Zoro as one of the most important characters in Onigashima War,so you guys will have so huge sadness in end,to the point of finally realize the truth about Sanji and need find a new favorite character that really is everything you think.
These peoples really will never learn until be too late,right @nik87 @HA001 @Sade @ShishioIsBack @Light D Lamperouge ?
How far goes this blind admiration by Sanji?
How the hell you guys can't see how Zoro camed back from his training as a mighty entity even larger than New World's world-shaking harshness,and Sanji as the lamest version of it?
How the hell you guys can read Zoro showing everything he is,can and does,and still calling Sanji worthy of be equal to all this,same when he have been eating dirt against everything he faced?
If at current point,you guys are really still expecting Sanji to stand next to Zoro as one of the most important characters in Onigashima War,so you guys will have so huge sadness in end,to the point of finally realize the truth about Sanji and need find a new favorite character that really is everything you think.
These peoples really will never learn until be too late,right @nik87 @HA001 @Sade @ShishioIsBack @Light D Lamperouge ?
Yeah man its sad

They are still under delusion that chopper, a true monster is below transexual power ranger Sanji.
There, Sasaki confirming Page One is out of the running. The Tobbi Roppo are useless vs. Raid Suit Sanji.

I think Oda was just foreshadowing Vinsmokes vs. Tobbi Roppo tbh. There is no else that can take them on, apart from the Scabbards.
There, Sasaki confirming Page One is out of the running. The Tobbi Roppo are useless vs. Raid Suit Sanji.

I think Oda was just foreshadowing Vinsmokes vs. Tobbi Roppo tbh. There is no else that can take them on, apart from the Scabbards.
How is Raid Suit Sanji any less useless than Toppi Robbo lol?

He failed to accomplish one job he had even using his daddy's technology for it
They will but with help otherwise it would mean that they were stronger than Luffy by WCI. And no a Suit and a Sword are not enough for them to get to this level. Luffy took the beating of his life with lots of plot and still was barely able to beat one of them in more than 10 hours while taking a break. Believing any of them has the power to solo a commander right now seems delusional for me.
They will but with help otherwise it would mean that they were stronger than Luffy by WCI.
It doesn't. Luffy = Katakuri, and Katakuri > Calamities. Now Luffy > Katakuri > Commanders.

Please stop comparing an awakened "Logia" with CoC and Future Sight to random commanders like Queen or Jack.

Kid and Law are nothing for Big Mom
Nice joke. Law has Gamma Knife as a Trump card. He was also a Shichibukai whose job it is to fight the Yonko

It doesn't. Luffy = Katakuri, and Katakuri > Calamities. Now Luffy > Katakuri > Commanders.

Please stop comparing an awakened "Logia" with CoC and Future Sight to random commanders like Queen or Jack.
Stop this bullshit.

You haven't even seen King move a muscle but you have randomly decided Kaidos YC1 is weaker than Big Moms YC1?

When Kaido's YC2 has higher bounty than Katakuri

Also WCI Luffy was a low diff for Katakuri if it wasn't for plot. Katakuri can literally rip his head off with mogura and Luffy has no means of dodging it.
It doesn't. Luffy = Katakuri, and Katakuri > Calamities. Now Luffy > Katakuri > Commanders.

Please stop comparing an awakened "Logia" with CoC and Future Sight to random commanders like Queen or Jack.
Literally nothing suggests that Katakuri is stronger than King, they are probably at the same level and while I believe he is stronger than Queen and Jack that doesn't change the fact that Sanji won't be ready to face Queen in a one on one. If Oda wanted us to believe that Sanji and Zoro were on the same lvl as the YC or at least close he wouldn't have Luffy have the struggle of his life against one.
Literally nothing suggests that Katakuri is stronger than King, they are probably at the same level and while I believe he is stronger than Queen and Jack that doesn't change the fact that Sanji won't be ready to face Queen in a one on one. If Oda wanted us to believe that Sanji and Zoro were on the same lvl as the YC or at least close he wouldn't have Luffy have the struggle of his life against one.
He is undefeated and is a CoC user, and has a CoO that not even Rayleigh has. Stop the wank. King is irrelevant.

Also WCI Luffy was a low diff for Katakuri if it wasn't for plot. Katakuri can literally rip his head off with mogura and Luffy has no means of dodging it.
That is literally not true, the only Mogura attack Katakuri landed was with Flampe's help. Katakuri was even annoyed during the fight about how much of his attacks were being dodged by Luffy.
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Yeah he was a low diff...

He lost to wci luffy.
His bounty is lower than queens barely above jack.
Hes 48 older than mihawk shanks and blackbeard

He is the weakest first commander
??????? Yeah...Luffy was in WCI, which would make him "WCI Luffy".... What are you smoking?

As for the bounty, go read Oda's SBS and stop with this nonsense. His bounty is higher because Kaido's bounty is higher.