Controversial Alot of leftist belief is inherently racist

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It's not a black people issue
Actually it's a systemic issue where minorities are put in at a disadvantage from birth. That's a sociological fact.

that can happen to anyone
Yes, but it happens MORE with racialized minorities. Ergo: systemic and racial problem.

There's more poor white dudes then poor black dudes, Why no affirmative action for poor white families if your logic would be disadvantaged from birth = needs affirmative action
Wrong., 19.5 percent of,8.1 percent of Asian people.

Again.. you are lying to fit your right wing narrative.

that's a social class thing not a racial thing
That's both.

All don could cite was class issues which were equally applicable to white people of the same income bracket or slightly higher ie middle class

Nothing said was misinformation
You are saying that lefist belief are inheretly racist on baseless affirmations and confusionnist rethoric. You are therefore missinforming people.

That's a fact.

Black people are seen as lesser people so they need affirmative action as they suck too much to do anything on their own
That's racism. Careful. You are adding another cord to your arc here.

And if im wrong about liberals having that viewpoint then why deny the class siltation
I'm not denying the class situation. But if you had done a bit of sociology, you would know that class issues and racial issues are deeply linked. Both parameters are entering in the matter of minority discriminations.

And I'm not a liberal. I'm far more leftist than that. Liberals are also a problem.

Learn about the left militantism. 'Cause you are completely missinformed.
You're generalizing what people are thinking.
im not
I quoted don's statements exactly as said and responded accordingly

if that's generalizing then im not sure you understand the term to begin with

This is what we dishonest
because you disagree with my take, You make me seem as bad as you can by assuming im fallacious when to any non biased person im clearly not

Watching what questions a man askes is a great predictor for their mindset. I
Also made a thread digging at the right

So if your prerogative here is saying well he questions the oppression of black people therefore alt right racist then your conclusion is the one warped by your own statements not mine
America existed before slavery in america did
and slavery has been done in america for years now, it's no longer any factor in how black americans lived as not even the great grandparents of black zoomers have experienced slavery

It's not my people
I am not representive of every single person of european descent just as your not representive of every single person of african descent

And no the amount of years family can work is not any factor in the amount of wealth they have
if so was the case, 1 percent would be poor not one percent of population rich

400 years of free labor and yet most people who are homeless are white

Most of what you mentioned was nether systematic nor based on race
knowing people in high executive positions and being disadvantaged from birth as examples
This is my last comment because I can tell we won’t see eye to eye but more homeless people are going to be white because there are more white people.
Actually it's a systemic issue where minorities are put in at a disadvantage from birth. That's a sociological fact.
Again not a black people issue
low income class white families face the same issues

Instead of blaming some racism, You should attack job employers and rich people who create this power vacuum by being entirely tribal only supporting people with skin in the game

That's the badguys here not some mythical nebulous white supremist who would hold no power in a current america's setting, In a society that condemns nazis like kanye were not getting an aryan reigns supreme type guy for a good while if ever
but instead of looking at the facts of the matter and try to address the issues from that perspective, you just lead with ideology

Again.. you are lying to fit your right wing narrative.

I was just going based on what info could be found
no right wing narrative had

And when did blaming the rich instead of blind racism become a right wing argument
were they not the blue lifes matter guys or are we just in different universes

And, Ive supported both gay marriage and abortion on record even on worstgen but yep im a big right wing dude

I see things from point to point
And because of that im going to disagree with the left sometimes and just because im not 100 percent on your side does not make me 100 percent aligned with right wingers but do be as fallacious as humanly possible

You are saying that lefist belief are inheretly racist on baseless affirmations
Title says alot of
not all of

and yes judging things on the basis of race is racist
It's as the late mlk said, We should be judged on the content of our character not our skin color

Im not judging this issue of lack of wealth in lower class through the lens of race however you are and some would say judging by race is racist like mlk jr but surely you know better then him

That's racism. Careful. You are adding another cord to your arc here.
No it's not
I said seen as lesser not are lesser

And again, The very idea you think they need more support then white people means you think one is less disadvantaged ergo lesser
That's not me being racist, it's you and im just calling the behavior

but you are being dishonest and ignoring the context of that remark

I'm not denying the class situation. But if you had done a bit of sociology, you would know that class issues and racial issues are deeply linked. Both parameters are entering in the matter of minority discriminations.

Deeply linked how?
There are dozens of rich black people ive mentioned who by their very status in society by wealth and social standing would be alot more privileged then me some rando worstgen poster

And even ignoring that, there's a majority poor for every racial group cause the rich elites make up 1 percent of the entire population
There's 5 rich white dudes for every 10k poor white dude, This situation is the same for black people only difference being there's less black people in america overall meaning less poor and rich people who would be of that same racial group

Ofc your going to get more rich dudes who are white, There's more white people in the country of america
that's demographics not racism, you just lack the nuance to actually understand this
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This is my last comment because I can tell we won’t see eye to eye but more homeless people are going to be white because there are more white people.

Your right
there is more white people so more rich dudes and more dudes of that race are a evitability just cause of demographics alone

But dont think it changes the point much, These issues of poor families being unable to get by is a result of classism as it's effective on the basis of class ie affects everyone regardless of gender or race where a race based issue would solely affect latinos or blacks as a example

I agree poverty is a huge issue that should be addressed but racializing it does not really help anyone or solve the issue, It only creates unnecessary division
Again not a black people issue
That's a racial issue AND a class issue. Seeing it as one only only proves blinding.

low income class white families face the same issues
Yes but they don't have the systemic racial problem that comes with it and that racial problem creates more inequalities in the long term. However you look at it, there is a racial issue and it's systemic. Stop trying to feed us your right wing narrative because YES, it is right wing narrative mate.

Instead of blaming some racism, You should attack job employers and rich people who create this power vacuum by
See.. your problem is that you are targetting us for pointing one problem, but you forget to look (or maybe choose to ignore) when we point another issue.

That's confusionism. And that's a right wing rethoric. The left doesn't only points to racism to explain inequalities, we point at a great range of problem and part of it is systemic racism.

We are just prioritizing what is endangering people the most right now: Capitalism, patriarchy and racism.

That's the badguys here not some mythical nebulous white supremist
Yes they are, and they are currently holding places of power in america right now..

And when did blaming the rich instead of blind racism become a right wing argument
It become a problem when you forget that systemic racism cause inequalities.

And still wrong:

You forgot that the sentence doesn't take the demography into account. Proportionnaly, the numbers are still higher for the black community.

This is a fact and that sociologue is just saying that "hey, we should not make poverty an only black issue". In short, start to fight capitalism, whowever you are.
And when did blaming the rich instead of blind racism become a right wing argument
It's a problem when you forget a part of the issue.

And that's a liberalism rethoric. (which is right wing compared to me.)

were they not the blue lifes matter guys or are we just in different universes
Well i've seen your takes on women.. you are in the same universe.

And, Ive supported both gay marriage and abortion on record even on worstgen but yep im a big right wing dude
The right begins with Biden mate. The left starts with Sanders.

Liberalism is not a left concept, it's the gate to the right wing.

Title says alot of
not all of
That's still missinformation mate.

and yes judging things on the basis of race is racist
No. But you wouldn't understand and I don't have time to explain those kind of concepts to you. Sorry. It's too long.

Sigh.. Martin Luther King didn't want to live in a colorblind society, quit twisting his rethoric:

yes it is.

Your last sentence is plain racism.

The very idea you think they need more support then white people
They do, it's what we want when we talk about equity.

Deeply linked how?
Linked in the way we must fight them. (that's a bad wording on my part) Oppression are cumulative. The best way to fight income inequalities is to fight racial issue too.. the way is the convergence of struggles.

There are dozens of rich black people ive mentioned who by their very status in society by wealth and social standing would be alot more privileged then me some rando worstgen poster
Those are exceptions in a bad sociological context for minorities.

And even ignoring that, there's a majority poor for every racial group cause the rich elites make up 1 percent of the entire population
There's 5 rich white dudes for every 10k poor white dude, This situation is the same for black people only difference being there's less black people in america overall meaning less poor and rich people who would be of that same racial group
Good, now you know that ending capitalism is the way to go.

Next step is to look around you and notice that everything is not only about class struggles.
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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
I think having this idea that black people are oppressed and unable to help themselves so they need things like affrimtive action to make them more successful is inherently racist as it presumes they cant do it on their own on the basis of their skin color.
I’m just curious: In the case of affirmative action, how are black people supposed to “help themselves” if companies won’t hire them? “Apply harder?” Lol
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It's as the late mlk said, We should be judged on the content of our character not our skin color
Martin Luther King was a raging leftist though lol. Maybe you should look up more quotes from him than just the one quote that white people use to passify black people? Lol
"Confusionnism" is a conscious or unconscious political strategy. That strategy is based on the creation of "confusion" about a certain topic or idea or political viewpoint or political side. The goal is simple: by creating confusion, you can create reject and missinformation.

You can do that by a number of way:

- Create moral panics
- Using militant rethoric and sucking all the meaning out of this rethoric (what bob did with the words oppression here) and turning it against the previous user

Mainly, confusionnism is a rightwing strategy to appeal to "apolitical" individuals.

Note that "apolitical viewpoint" =/= neutral viewpoint. "Apolitical" is the inexistence of political viewpoint and that is a political viewpoint in a world where oppressions exist. And that is a behavior that only favor the right wing in a capitalist society.

So you can see how dangerous a confusionist behavior is for the society.
I didn't understand much but the double n is confusimg me.

Using militant rethoric
I like militant rethoric
I hope I spelled this ploperry
I didn't understand much but the double n is confusimg me.


I like militant rethoric
I hope I spelled this ploperry
Sorry for my bad wording, I might be a bit dyslexic and dumb too.. in french it's "confusionnisme" so in english it might be "confusionism", one n
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That's a racial issue AND a class issue. Seeing it as one only only proves blinding.
you cant prove any specific targeting of black people beyond what can be also applied upon to white people
a racial issue is something effective solely on the basis of race eg jim crow laws not allowing black people to go to same schools and drink from same fountains

funny thing being about that era, People of now think such policies are good and guess what they are all hardcore libs like you
I have heard so many black segregation comments not from white supremacists but from liberals who also like jim crow think race mixing is bad cause of betraying your race or something kinda like jim crow era, More things change, the more things stay the same really

Sigh.. Martin Luther King didn't want to live in a colorblind society, quit twisting his rethoric:
Your citation is from a black lib, who's a race realist
not biased whatsoever

this would be like using jesse lee peterson as a source with his biased take on things

and even then at no point does this article prove shit
It cites a quote from his daughter

And she does not even say what the race realist black woman suggests here and even then bernice's opinion matters not, it's her interpretation of her father's beliefs not his actual beliefs

Article cites black and white kids holding hands as brothers, as a mlk jr quote which alone kinda debunks their notion of things about him having modern day race realist beliefs but whatever gotta pedal narrative

The modern, black race realist group are clearly trying as hard as humanly possible to assert their racist views on the man who's beliefs and ideals founded the very definition of racism which loads of people not named carrot and likeminded left wing racists

We are just prioritizing what is endangering people the most right now: Capitalism, patriarchy and racism.

If any of the sides were smart
then you would focus on the stuff which every person can get down with but instead you focus on the divisive stuff preventing you from getting much of anywhere

if you just went after the rich and had some of the more radical stuff proposed later on then you would win
but instead you promote men trash and white people suck, Which will alienate anyone who's not a raging leftist who will stan for the group regardless

It's like with kanye, his diehard supporters will be there regardless
but people who are the average arent going to like what he says cause guess what, Nazis arent well liked and guess what kanye would be a nazi

What im saying to you, Is more of advice if anything
if your actually looking for your group to progress any appealing to solely your fringe group wont help will only make as you enclosed to the rest of the human race as the right wing would be

yes it is.

Your last sentence is plain racism.
critizing your view of black people inferior makes me racist?

Sure bub.

im not the one who defends racism

The right begins with Biden mate. The left starts with Sanders.
he supports abortion and immigration
he's left wing

Left and right wing only mean so far as the positions and policies you hold
left and right describe reality, So far as saying this person belongs to x group cause of the views they hold

im actually very left wing due to alot of my positions being in that area of thought, Like being fine with things like abortion and transgenderism as a example

however cause im not a ideologue and dont strictly follow any group to it's exact letter
im a uber right wing maniac to left wing nutjobs and an uber left wing maniac to right wing nutjobs, When everything is tribal even more neutral parties like me need labeling to fit the narrative of one side evil and one side good

superman vs doomsday
badguy vs good guy, The depth perception on poltitical types is so low that reality would be akin to a f-cking comic book to them as if anyone is pure evil or pure good but yknow ideologues live in a literal fantasy land

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
I’m just curious: In the case of affirmative action, how are black people supposed to “help themselves” if companies won’t hire them? “Apply harder?” Lol
Well for one invest more in their communities. There are rich black people for sure but they aren't wealthy ones

Why should a company open their office in South Chicago knowing full well it will be robbed within a week? Why open new schools if children will give 0 shits? Shopping malls? Basically any infrastructure and amenities you can find in white areas.

Meanwhile you will have rappers advocate gang life and violence, spending money of pleasure that will last few weeks while preaching of being humble and pious and all about that community life

Ask a black kid what it wants to be... how many do you think will say Engineer, Doctor, Dentist, Lawyer compared to Basketball player, NFL, Comedy, Rap Artist?

That is one way how can black people help themselves.

1. Invest in your own community
2. Deal with crime
3. Propagate professions that bring long term benefits

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
That is one way how can black people help themselves.

1. Invest in your own community
2. Deal with crime
3. Propagate professions that bring long term
So I work in finance, we are directly within my realm of professional expertise right now lol. I also have a masters degree in economics and finance.

1. With what money? Black people have much less wealth than whites on average. And poverty is cyclical: You have no money so you can’t go to school/educate yourself, you can’t educate yourself so you can’t get a good job, you can’t get a job and thus you have no money, and the circle repeats. Black people also can’t borrow money from financial institutions because they are trapped in cycles of poverty which obliterates credit scores and makes lending institutions not want to loan them any money.

2. How do you deal with crime? Why does crime occur? Crime occurs when communities are systemically trapped into cycles of poverty. You eliminate poverty and thus you eliminate the need for crime. No one would commit petty crimes if they had the funds to sustain themselves.

3. Black people do glorify stable safe professions though lol. Don’t confuse rappers rapping about shit to what black people glorify lol. And don’t confuse black teens imitating Lil Wayne or whatever to what black people in America are asking for…
Leftists are not on the right side of history. Everything they are for is a sham: funding a war in the guise of "helping", vote in corrupt politicians, they tend to be bigoted towards different views, hate American traditions, are not for free speech, want to take your guns, started the kkk, have low expectations of black people, that think they need to "save" them, when they really dont give a f*ck, for example think they dont know how to attain an ID lol, are usually vegans, that think you're a murderer for eating meat, climate scam activist, who think theyre saving the world, push women into thinking theyre men, and want men to be women, think math is racist, conclude with one another, but pretend to be "punching up", like to separate us by calling us names for having preferences, dumb down the kids to manipulate them into buying their shit, changing history to fit their narrative, etc. I blame them why everyone is lost rn

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
1. With what money? Black people have much less wealth than whites on average. And poverty is cyclical: You have no money so you can’t go to school/educate yourself, you can’t educate yourself so you can’t get a good job, you can’t get a job and thus you have no money, and the circle repeats. Black people also can’t borrow money from financial institutions because they are trapped in cycles of poverty which obliterates credit scores and makes lending institutions not want to loan them any money.
Like i said - There are rich black people - but not wealthy ones.
When white people get money what do we do? We invest in services that in return generate more money. Hence why you will see Offices, Shopping malls, stores and other in primordially white communities. They were made to generate more revenue, money is money.

Now lets look at black communities. Why isn't any investing done in them? There are rich black people, but non of them seem to invest in black communities as much as white ones?

How many sport stars, rap artists, black businessman, show biz, whatever wealthy black people you can name invests in black communities?
Very little, right?

That is one problem - black people with money don't invest in black communities wheres rich white people invest in white communities

But why is that?
2. How do you deal with crime? Why does crime occur? Crime occurs when communities are systemically trapped into cycles of poverty. You eliminate poverty and thus you eliminate the need for crime. No one would commit petty crimes if they had the funds to sustain themselves.
And then answer to question above is Crime.

Crime is deterrent to any business or progress. How to deal with crime? Well for one Police, as much as police sucks in USA they are still one of the best deterrents to crime.

Isn't perfect solution but it is one of solutions

So what is the order sollution?

3. Black people do glorify stable safe professions though lol. Don’t confuse rappers rapping about shit to what black people glorify lol. And don’t confuse black teens imitating Lil Wayne or whatever to what black people in America are asking for…
Education is other solution.

Let's take what you said and say it so - If that is the case, then why schools in projects and gang infested areas are some of the worst schools by grades?

Surely if black people glorify stable safe professions that wouldn't be the case? Children would go to school and behave, study and have good grades. Not trash schools.

So i don't buy the fact stable professions is what is dominant in such areas.

Oh and i won't even get in absenty father culture in those areas which IMO is the biggest fucking problem

So i'll break it down

1. Police needs to crack down on crime.
2. With less Crime businesses will have way less risks and more benefits
3. More businesses equals more wealth distributed in the community
4. Kids will have OPTIONS of stable professions
5. Black Community as a whole needs to distance themselves from toxic stuff like Absent fathers, Gang life glorification, Anti Snitching and so on.
America existed before slavery in america did
and slavery has been done in america for years now, it's no longer any factor in how black americans lived as not even the great grandparents of black zoomers have experienced slavery

It's not my people
I am not representive of every single person of european descent just as your not representive of every single person of african descent

And no the amount of years family can work is not any factor in the amount of wealth they have
if so was the case, 1 percent would be poor not one percent of population rich

400 years of free labor and yet most people who are homeless are white

Most of what you mentioned was nether systematic nor based on race
knowing people in high executive positions and being disadvantaged from birth as examples
oh America, how i love you:finally:
And i love even more that you're exporting your society problems and political categorisations to Europe. Looking forward to the next 59 years💗💗🤩


Welcome to the House of Hope
America existed before slavery in america did
and slavery has been done in america for years now, it's no longer any factor in how black americans lived as not even the great grandparents of black zoomers have experienced slavery
No wonder they had to cut Mr Nancy character out of the show.
His speech would show how WRONG this bolded part is.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Go look up Black Wall Street if you want to know why there is an absence of black investors compared to white ones lol.

But there are definitely black investors who work to improve black communities, they are just nowhere near as common as white investors as black communities are stuck in cycles of poverty like I said above.

Well for one Police, as much as police sucks in USA they are still one of the best deterrents to crime.
There is absolutely zero evidence that investing in police decreases crime. Are you just here to repeat the propaganda you’ve heard on podcasts or do you actually have studies and data to back up your claim? Crime statistics show that more policing does not equal less crime, more policing simply equals more people arrested for committing crimes.

Guess which communities are over policed lol? And then you talk about lack of fatherhood, because all the fathers are in jail to supply free labor for capitalism lol.

If that is the case, then why schools in projects and gang infested areas are some of the worst schools by grades?
Because schools are funded by property taxes and black communities are trapped in poverty by predatory capitalism and are thus underfunded.

Surely if black people glorify stable safe professions that wouldn't be the case? Children would go to school and behave, study and have good grades. Not trash schools.
Do you live in the US? Do you have children? I have kids and I have to tell you, this is one of the most ignorant comments I’ve ever seen in regards to school systems lol.

Unless you can afford private schooling in the US which is retardedly expensive, you don’t get to decide which schools your kids go to lol. They go to the school in their district which if you live in a poor district, is underfunded.

I feel like you are speaking on this topic from a place of extreme ignorance lol.
And i love even more that you're exporting your society problems and political categorisations to Europe.
im not saying europe is to blame for anything
I was talking about europeans ie the race and how just how members of the race arent representive of a whole collective

His speech would show how WRONG this bolded part is.

1804 was when slavery was abolished
there's no way, something older then ww2 could possibly have any affect on the current generation of black men much less their grandparent's generation

WW2 was done since the late 1940s and certainly that has no affect on anyone despite being much more recent then the 1800s when slavery was around for


Life Is Good ✌️
Sigh, if you're going to quote MLK, don't just pick one excerpt from his speech to fit a narrative. He knew his ambitions were unrealistic in that day and age. Quote his true feelings and thoughts on how his people were treated in Amerikkka. If he were alive today, many Americans would still hate him. Hell, he was sent a letter by the FBI telling him to kill himself; they tried to blackmail him, dedicated an anti-MLK initiative in the 60s, and most likely played a role in his assassination. J Edgar Hoover said Black unity was the biggest threat to the US; look it up. Also, don't speak on behalf of black people and your perception of racism. Saying a group of people isn't oppressed without walking a single day in their shoes reeks of privilege. Nationwide initiatives like affirmative action and other civil rights actions were implemented because they were needed in this backward ass country. Also, the largest beneficiaries of affirmative action are white women; look it up. Oh, and using Jesse Lee Peterson for your argument instantly discredits anything you say. Do some research. Signed, a black person. ✌🏾
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