You are
Passive - Blood Demon Curse] - If Akame is afflicted with the "Curse" and/or the "Bleed" status for a total of 3 times during the game, she'll automatically unlock her Ultimate Ability. When this passive is triggered, Akame will become immune to Curse and Bleed for the remainder of the game.
Passive - Cursed Sword] - If
Blood Demon Curse is triggered, your Blade techniques will be upgraded.
Active - Sword Demon Oratoria] - Akame concentrates to feel all the surrounding area around herself, maximizing her senses to the upmost limit:
- At night, if someone visits her with a kill, she'll block it and regular kill the attacker (2-shot)
- During the day, if someone tries to inflict her with a status ailment, she'll block it and inflict the Bleed status on the player (3-shot)
- During the night, if players try to roleblock or redirect Akame, she'll parry it and roleblock them instead (2-shot)
Active - Dance of Swords] - Akame can redirect any player of her choice during the night.
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Blink Steps] - Akame can increase her speed to redirect two players instead (2-shot)
Active - Graveyard of Swords] - Your element is Darkness and as such you have the following one-shots:
- Inflic the Bleed status to a player
- Inflict the Curse status on a player
- Roleblock a player at night
- Dodge the next action targeted at you, except kills.
Active - Way of the Blade] - Akame is extremely proficient with sword, having spent her life as an assassin. You have the following abilities:
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Blade of the Rising Sun] - At night, Akame enters a duel with a player of her choice in a R/P/S match. If Akame wins, she'll regular kill the target (3-shot)
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Blade of the Descending Moon] - If Akame loses the match, she can rolecrush the player in the next cycle (1-shot)
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Blade of the Twilight Dawn] - If the kill fails for any other reason, Akame can activate this ability to become completely immune to that player's actions for 2 cycles (1-shot)
Ultimate Ability - God Slayer "Iai Sen Katto"] - Akame moves at blinding speed, slicing her opponent faster than the eye can see. After activating this ability on a target, if the target is hostile to Town wincon and performs any type of abilities on Town, that player will be Omega killed.
Human Race Unique Skill] - The weakest of the races, yet the one with the most potential. At any time you can choose a race and permanently gain that race unique skill. Cannot be used twice, plus you're still an human.
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to