You are
Roxy Migurdia
Passive - Water Affinity] - Roxy's water based abilities can be reused a second time.
Active - Water Barrier] - Protect a player for a night.
- [
Torrent] - You can choose to superprotect the player instead (2-shot)
Active - Spring of Youth] - Refill a player (2-shot)
Active - Blessing of Water] - Amp a player's next action (1-shot)
Active - Water Witch] - Your element is Water and as such you have the following one shots:
- Heal a status effect from a player
- Inflict the Confusion Status on a player
- Protect yourself for a cycle
- Redirect back the next action on you back to its sender, except kills.
Active - Fluid Dome] - During the night Roxy is able to create a Dome in liquid state where she can target up to 3 players where the following effects will occur, 1 for each player (2-shot):
- Disable a player's ability to use status ailments
- Player become immune to status ailments effects for the night as well as healing of any he might have
- If a player performs an harmful action on you or any of the other two players, make them lose one of their 1-shots.
Active - The Power of Three - The Triquetra] - You can link yourself to up to two witches of a different element than yours. Upon sucessfully completing the Triquetra, you'll combine your powers to Omega Kill a player of your choice, however your entire role will become unusable for the remainder of the cycle this ability is used (1-shot)
Ultimate Ability - Cumulonimbus] - Locked
Witch Race Unique Skill] - You may perform an incantation to amp your next ability at the cost of being unable to submit any actions the phase this skill is used
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to