Do you want a Christmas break?

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The End and the Beginning
Best case scenario one scum faction is down two members. That would be a swing for town.
I expect both scum factions are fairly small, sized around 3 or 4 max (leaning towards the former). So any scum death is nice, we are currently two back from where we should be ratio wise so given that we will lose some townies over the night too I'd like to see 3 scum dead between now and start of d3.
DP2 lynch and... a surprise

Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
DP2 Lynch

Hello Players

The Commander of Fraxinus again, Kotori Itsuka.

I'm here to tell to process the lynch again. Well I don't have much to say but we have surprise!

What is it?

See for yourselves.

Lynch results:

Iron Maiden was activated to make the primary lynch immune to tampering


??? was triggered

As ??? is absolute and it cannot be stopped, prevented or disabled in any way until [Redacted], the lynch failed

Iron Maiden was activated to execute Maka Albarn/ @MitchMatch

You are Maka Albarn

[Passive - Death Robes] - Robes that make Maka Albarn Bulletproof all game. You'll also resist the first superkill on you.

[Passive - Death Reaper] - Death is equal and fair to everyone. Being the Death Reaper, Maka Albarn will be investigated Innocent to alignment cops.

[Passive - In the Twilight between Life and Death] - As the Death Reaper, Maka can transition between the World of the Living and the World of the Dead. You'll have access to a 2nd dead chat where all hostiles to Town will end up.

[Passive - Anti-Demon Wavelength] - Maka's soul has a special property to it that drives away evil and impurity. Mafia has a voting power of 0 against Maka Albarn.

[Passive - Harbinger of Death] - Applies to Soul Branding, Soul Swap, Reaper's Touch and Soul Eater. Your action cannot be blocked or redirected.

[Active - Soul Swap] - Maka can swap the souls between living beings. Target two players. Abilities sent towards one of them will instead be redirected to the other. Actions sent to player A will instead go to player B and vice versa (3-shot).

[Active - Soul Resonance] - Maka Albarn can send her wavelengths to another person and receive it back. You may at night talk with either the Red Mafia Godfather, Purple Mafia Godfather or to Demon Lord Milim Nava. This visit is undetectable.

[Active - Soul Branding] - Brand a Soul for harvest during the day. You won't get the Souls of lynched players but you'll get the souls of any player that's killed.

[Active - Hymn of the Dead] - Once per cycle you can use one dead hostile's ability. You cannot go above the x-shots of that ability. Ultimate abilities are excluded.

[Active - Reaper's Touch] - Mark a player with the [Mark of Death] during the day and regular kill them at night if no protection occurs at night and you'll harvest their soul [2-shot]

[Active - Black Blood Armor] - The Black Blood is an insanity magnifier created by the witch Medusa in which the armor acts as a shield to Maka. Maka can activate this ability to Superprotect herself for a cycle (1-shot)

[Active - Eclipse] - Maka Albarn brings in Darkness to the game to end the day earlier with no lynch ocurring (1-shot)

[Active - Soul's Binding] - Absorb an entire dead role abilties as one-shots. Ultimate abilities are excluded (1-shot)

[Active - Death Bell] - According to the number of souls you brand, gain access to the following one-shots:

- If Soul branding fails, reuse it a second time (1 soul)
- Use Soul branding a second time this DP(2 souls)
- Revive an Anti Town player (3 souls)
- The next [Soul Branding] you perfom will enable you to collect that soul even if the player is lynched (4 souls)
- Refill one of your abilites (5 souls)
- Amp one of your abilities (6 souls)

[Active - Lingering in the Limbo] - Your element is Darkness and as such you have the following one-shots:

- Hide behind a player
- Inflict one of the 4 status ailments to a player [4-shot]
- Hide the next action you perform

[Active - Soul Eater] - Maka Albarn can brand a player with the [Mark of the Soul]. The marked player will have, once per cycle, up to 2 cycles, to target a player of Maka's choosing with any kind of action. Maka cannot choose which ability will be used and will not know the effects of the ability used. If the player refuses to perform an action, their soul will be branded and they'll be rolechrushed through immunities for a cycle [1-shot]

[Ultimate Ability - Harvest Festival] - Locked

[Death Reaper Race Unique Skill] - You are immune to all negative effects and amped abilities will work on you as if they're not amped.

Wincon: Make sure that Town doesn't win
Alternative wincon: Collect 10 souls
NP2 has started

You have ~20h to submit your actions

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