Title: “With the Shogun of the Land of the Sun” - 17 pages, mainly a Yosuga chapter with a bit of Ryuya backstory n Yosuga(young look) No Break.
Asta zettens the dragon with anti-magic, but it regenerates. Meanwhile, Yosuga is still fighting Heath, telling him his technique is only flashy and that’s it. Heath says he cannot lose for the sake of Lucius creating a right world…
The summary takes up an A4 page, TONS of text in this chapter but at the same time not much happened, though we learn how Ryu became Shogun. Incoming walls of text
Yosuga: “Of course, from your own point of view, it's only natural that you'd think you're right.” Yosuga tells Heath he doesn’t know his Shogun/General (i.e. Lucius), but he’ll defeat him for the sake of his own Shogun. Yosuga flashback incoming.
Yosuga was the heir to Koushuu [one of the provinces in the Land of the Sun], and he’s been the strongest since childhood. There was nobody who could fight him on equal terms from the 5 provinces, except Ryuu, the heir of Goshuu [where Ryuu is from].
They used to fight with their katana in a friendly way to see who was more fit to become Shogun. There was a (plague?) epidemic in Koushuu and Goshuu & people were dying. There was a danger that these 2 provinces were gonna get annihilated.
Some NPCs are talking that the only thing that could heal it is some herb (lit. ‘active soul grass’) that’d gone extinct, and how are they supposed to find a herb of a folklore…
Scene cuts to a new place “Tengentsu – the power that lies in this land”. It’s an all-seeing eye, that only the likes of Yosuga & Ryuuya have the yoryoku to obtain. However, the price to pay for the person who obtains tengentsu is that they lose all their yoryoku.
Yosuga inner thoughts: “Indeed it is amazing to see through everything but… there’s so much you can see, what’s the point of this and not having yoryoku?!” The ony thing Yosuga, as the strongest, was afraid of, was losing his yoryoku.
Yosuga would’ve let the weakest of the weak die instead of losing his yoryoku betting on something he can’t find out for sure. However, Ryuuya immediately says, if that’s all they want in return, his yoryoku can be taken.
Goshuu and Koushuu are 2/5 ISLANDS of the Land of the Sun, *not* provinces, sorry!
Yosuga was wondering if Ryu was an idiot, and didn’t care about becoming Shogun, but Ryu found that herb and saved the people with the eye. Yosuga was even annoyed that his opponent “quit”, but Ryu continued to save people without changing a bit.
More and more people continued to admire & follow Ryu. When the time came to pick the next Shogun, the feudal lords (?) were saying that Ryu indeed is amazing but he has no yoryoku, and Yosuga is the strongest... but Yosuga declares Ryu is the Shogun.
back to Heath vs Yosuga. Yosuga uses "Iron Yojutsu: Iron warrior", tells Heath he's the strongest, and Heath is punched & likely defeated.
the other Ryuzen get up and declare they must keep fighting. Ryu declares (for moral support I guess...) they'll all defeat the dragon together. Yosuga: "the strongest is Ryu."
Yosuga asks if they shall "make a man" of Asta, who aspires for the same heights as Ryu? Chapter ends, no break next week.