Questions & Mysteries If anybody can confirm these are real or not, we still dont know how Shanks fights

We don't know what happened, your headcanon isn't proof of anything.
Mihawk found Shanks to talk about Luffy and Shanks assumed he came for a fight. So he asked did you come to challenge me? That doesn't prove or even imply what you claim.
What was he suppose to say - Did you come here for me to challenge you? - that would make no sense. He asked that simply because Mihawk sought him out and not vice versa.

Yeah sure, you making up stuff for arguments and also making up what people say has nothing to do with my response. Me getting "triggered" over you making up shit is proof of me being a fanboy. You sure connect the dots like no other
Mihawk literally says ''settle things'', if you don't understand a simple sentence than don't waste my time.
So where does it say challenge, man out here piecing together 10 different translations to make an argument and a shit one at that
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and now he using the anime too lmao
If you don't understand what ''settle things'' then stfu and stop pretending like objective person, put a Zolo wanker avatar and tell us you are a Zolo wanker who isn't objective and you desperately want Mihawk to win vs Shanks but it will never happen.
What I am going to use Zolo wanker when the guy is denying the conversations happened in the manga? :suresure:

If you don't understand what ''settle things'' then stfu and stop pretending like objective person, put a Zolo wanker avatar and tell us you are a Zolo wanker who isn't objective and you desperately want Mihawk to win vs Shanks but it will never happen.
What I am going to use Zolo wanker when the guy is denying the conversations happened in the manga? :suresure:

Cry all you want Mihawk never said that
If you don't understand what ''settle things'' then stfu and stop pretending like objective person, put a Zolo wanker avatar and tell us you are a Zolo wanker who isn't objective and you desperately want Mihawk to win vs Shanks but it will never happen.
What I am going to use Zolo wanker when the guy is denying the conversations happened in the manga? :suresure:
You claimed shanks said he was here to challenge him, not my fault you keep changing your argument when you are proven wrong
''Want?'' That's exactly ZKK and Zolo wankers because they can't wank their character without using Shanks being a swordsman lmao. They desperately use Shanks's feats, not Mihawk's pathetic feats for a reason.

Thus you need to show the panels where Shanks fights with only swordsmanship and nothing more. No one has seen that.

Do you even read what I said? LOL.

Being a swordsman doesn't stop someone from doing other things. Law is also a swordsman and he can do other things.
Once again, stop omitting part of my post because you can't counter it.

I never once said that Shanks can't perform none sword style attacks. In fact, I never said swordsman can't perform none sword attacks. That's why I used Kaku as an example. Since you can't counter my post you have to push your headcannon.

Bringing up ZKK is you have nothing to counter on my post and you anti-Zoro cult members are about to start posting headca6.

This is Zoro, a swordsman, using a none sword attacks.

Mihawk doesn't have pathetic feet. You just fail comprehend Mihawk was fighting at a low level. A casual Mihawk was able to cut a gigantic iceberg in half that was created by the combination efforts of a Yonko and admiral. For BM to perform anything close to that she has to use a name attack. Mihawk could easily hold off a YC level fighter without even looking at them or focusing on them for most of the battle. A feat we have never seen anybody else perform in the entire manga.

Hold this.
If shanks has stronger conquerors haki wouldn't that just mean he's straight up stronger?
Exactly lol
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Shanks should have at least better CoC to make up for his lack of strength. I think Mihawk has better CoA while CoO is subjectively equals.
But better coc makes the stronger fighter it’s not coa unless of course something is revealed later
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Surely Shanks because he, like Roger, has CoC which is strength based and Zoro's is skill based :risiup:
Once zoro gets the sword strength them coc lines will be massive just like roger lol
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